Onmouseover netscape problem

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Joined: Jan 1970

On my page i have a javascript which an image if the mouse goes over a link. it works great in IE but netscape gives me an error. i've been driving myself crazy trying to fix this but i haven't been able to. i would appreciate any help that anyone can give.
here's the url to my page: http://members.xoom.com/entropypage/main.html

They have: 231 posts

Joined: Feb 2000

The reason your image will not change in NN is because you are using layers (or DIV's). Netscape considers a layer as a document within a document so you must reference it like that.

document.layers[LAYER NAME].document.PROPERTY

Change the "change1" function to the following:


function change1(picName,imgName) {
   if (document.all) {
      document.[picName].src = eval(imgName + ".src");
   if (document.layers) {
      document.layers["message"].document[picName].src = eval(imgName + ".src");;

You could always achieve the same positioning effect without using absolutely positioned layers. You could either use a table or use images that piece together to make one big image.

This way older browsers will still see your site however the rollovers wont work.

[This message has been edited by Lloyd Hassell (edited 22 March 2000).] 

:: Lloyd Hassell :: http://www14.brinkster.com/lloydh ::

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