nms form mail
Just about to give up
I created my site with Sirif web plus 9 and am having difficulty understanding how to sort out my form mail on my site.
I uploaded my files as told but have no idea how to get it all up and running. How do I sort it out as so customers on my site can send me mail using the nms. Been on nms site but no joy!!
Digilution http://www.digilution.co.uk
baldrick posted this at 18:19 — 9th September 2005.
He has: 388 posts
Joined: Apr 2005
whats nms
Form mail are you using a mailto form or php mail or asp or pearl ect
digilution posted this at 22:20 — 9th September 2005.
They have: 11 posts
Joined: Sep 2005
It should be a mail to
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