Need Help Please?

They have: 1 posts

Joined: Jul 2012

Hi Alll

I am new to Html.

How can I change the following html code below so that if a user ticks the first box(drill) that a message also appears in the text box below and how can I change the code so that a different message appears in the text box below when a different tool is chosen?

Any help would be really appreciated!

<H2>What tools needs fixing?</H2>
TYPE = checkbox
NAME = "check1"
VALUE = 99
onClick= "litterbox.value='new brushes or the chord is broken.'</H2">
TYPE = checkbox
NAME = "check2"
onClick = "litterbox.value ='new brushes or the chord is broken.'">
TYPE = checkbox
VALUE = 99
onCLICK ="litterbox.value= 'new brushes or the chord is broken.'">
Big Grinder

They have: 6 posts

Joined: Apr 2015

In the form, in this line
onClick= "litterbox.value='new brushes or the chord is broken.'
Where is the starting H2 tag? You did not mentioned or wrote the H2 tag but have closing tag. Fix this line.

Albert Barkley
SEO Manager/Web Developer

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