multi events on one mouseover?

Busy's picture

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Is it possible, to have multi delayed mouseovers run off one mouseover event?

if I mouse over "1" have that do a mouseover (as normal), then in a few seconds "2" would mouseover, then 3, then 4, then 5, with the previous one returning to its start image (mouseoff)
I'd only want the "1" to be active, the rest would be plan images, or blank links.

I could probably run it thru a function but could i set it so the mouseover bit is finished (returned) before the next one starts?

I'm starting to confuse myself here lol, if no one understands it, i'll try reword it tomorrow.

Busy's picture

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Seems I confused everyone else as well,

ok, what about an onclick to set off a chain reaction over 5 images with a set delay between them?

*maybe I should just do it in flash*

Suzanne's picture

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I don't know about mouseovers. I suppose you could entirely replace the image, then use a JavaScript timer to set off a cascade of other changes.

I wouldn't even know where to start, though.


detox's picture

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3 ways I can think of:
this first one assumes that the images you want to roll over are all in the same area. like the area near a nav bar etc
1. (cheating way) you can simply have a mouseover that engages 2 rollovers. The first one is a standard rollover. The second image is an animated gif which has timed rollovers on it, and includes all the other images yu want to roll. You simply set the time in between rollover so it does it sequentially.

2. Sort of the same as the first. BUT, simply activate all the rollovers on the event that triggers the first rollover and then in image ready set the other images as separate rollovers with a sequential timing between the activation.

3. (imo the best) write a function that triggers all image rollovers after a specific timeout. You would simply put the images in an array and loop through the activation of them with a loop based on a timeout function, ie every 2 seconds etc.

if you need help scripting this I can see what I can do....

Personally I would go with the 3rd option. Simply because I would feel like I was cheating the system by not scripting it!

Busy's picture

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The main reason I wanted the delay was so it could be adjusted per link. I'll try explain.
there would be 5 blank images above five linked images, clicking or mousing over a link would set the top 5 images in motion, but each link would have a different mouseover effect. I effects as such would be a animated gif on one, while the other 4 are static, each linked image would have its own animated gif in a different place in the 5 top images.

does that make sense?

would I be able to write seperate functions per image and then call the needed ones from another function.

function a {plain}
function b {plain}
function c {animated}
function d {plain}
function e {plain}

function one {a(),c(),d(),e()}
function two {b(),d(),e(),f()}

If this would be easy, then the help would be great but if you think it would get involved then maybe pass it up, it's just for an idea I have.

Abhishek Reddy's picture

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Clear as mud, Busy... clear as mud. Or maybe I didn't read it well. Anyway, check out my interpretation of your first question:

First rollover and watch the effects (it may do it a bit slowly) and then rollout. PLEASE use IE for this because I've used the document.all model - sorry. The idea is to see if thats like what you want.

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