mouseover hesitation

disaster-master's picture

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Joined: May 2001

What makes mouseovers on link buttons hesitate before they change colors? Is there a way to make them change immediately when you put your mouse over them? Also, on IE, when you place your mouse on the button the little world in the upper right corner of the browser starts turning. What makes it do this?

I have noticed this on a lot of sites but on some sites they change immediately. Is there a trick to this?

Busy's picture

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Sounds like the images when mouse overed havent loaded yet, are you declaring the images first or just use the onmouseover, onmouseoff tags in the link?

if you preload them they shouldn't delay unless there is a lot to load.
Another way I've seen (which probably isnt a good way) is to display the second set of images as dots somewhere on the site so they load with the page, width and height tags both =1. *maybe I shouldnt mention this way, hmmm*

The world in the top right? I have the microsoft flag thingy in my IE, ohhh I see, never noticed that before lol, its just shows the page is loading, in Netscape 6 you have a loading bar at the bottom.

detox's picture

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definately a pre loading problem. I spent a while coding pre loading scripts that would do this properly. The beat way I have found was literally by mistake. If you code your roll overs using Adobe Image ready, you would have seen the return true value after the images list etc. What this does is waits until all images are loaded before executing any rollover. Keep in mind though that it is not always perfect, and a little 'hesitation' could always still happen

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