Javascript open new windwo

They have: 38 posts

Joined: Dec 2002

I have a few buttons that when clicked open a new page. I found a script that will open the window and if the window gets hidden and I click the same button again it will focus back on it.

The problem is that if I click a button and a window opens and I click on another button it opens in the first buttons window. This is the script that I have. How can I get it so that they open in individual windows?


// pop-up function
var newWin = null;
function closeWin(){
if (newWin != null){
function popUp(strURL,strType,strHeight,strWidth) {
var strOptions="";
if (strType=="console") strOptions="resizable,height="+strHeight+",width="+strWidth;
if (strType=="fixed") strOptions="status,height="+strHeight+",width="+strWidth;
if (strType=="elastic") strOptions="toolbar,menubar,scrollbars,resizable,location,height="+strHeight+",width="+strWidth;
newWin =, 'newWin', strOptions);

if (!(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("ozilla/3.")>=1))
document.write("<script language=\"JavaScript1.3\" src=\"\/_scripts\/formHighlight.js\">");

They have: 447 posts

Joined: Oct 1999

your windows need unique names

&lt;script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"&gt;

var popupOptionStr = 'height=400,width=600,top=50,left=50,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes';
var windowHandles = new Array();

function popup(that) {
windowHandles[] =,, popupOptionStr);
return false;


<a name="mypage" href="mypage.html" onclick="return popup(this);">my page</a>
<a name="mypage2" href="mypage2.html" onclick="return popup(this);">another page</a>

He has: 1,016 posts

Joined: May 2002

Below is a code that I've wrote that I use on all my websites. It centers the window on the screen sets focus on it.

function newWindow(nURL, nTarget, nWidth, nHeight, nOptions) {
var nLeft = (screen.width - nWidth) / 2;
var nTop = (screen.height - nHeight) / 2;
var nWindow =, nTarget, 'width='+nWidth+',height='+nHeight+',left='+nLeft+',top='+nTop+','+nOptions);

Here's an example how you can use it...

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="javascript:newWindow('', 'Window_Google', '740', '400', false);">Open new window</a>

So basically, it is newWindow('', 'windowname', 'width', 'height', 'options');

If you use different windownames on different links they will open in separate windows.

I hope this helps.

They have: 38 posts

Joined: Dec 2002

Thank You! Smiling

They have: 38 posts

Joined: Dec 2002

All of the buttons are going to be no particular size but I do have one that needs to be a certain size. How can I do that?

I tried:Guarantees

but that doesnt seem to work.

They have: 447 posts

Joined: Oct 1999

this should make that work

var popupOptionStr =  'height=400,width=600,top=50,left=50,toolbar=yes,menubar=yes,location=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=y
var windowHandles = new Array();

function popup(that, optstring) {
if(!optstring) optstring = popupOptionStr;
windowHandles[] =,, popupOptionStr);
return false;


popupOptionStr is the default options, if you don't send an option string it will use the default

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