javascript mouseover and
On this site I'm making
I dont want the mouseover to happen, i want the second image of this (mouseover) to happen when the first one is clicked. But i cant find anywere were this is made from javascript, so i figured you guys might be of help.
(Image1 is displayed)
(Image1 is Clicked, Then Image2 is Displayed)
(Image2 Stayed Until the New Page Loads)
This is what i want.
Thanks for all the help..
Ken Prescott
Ken Prescott
Suzanne posted this at 22:04 — 23rd June 2000.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
Okay, here's the deal! It's the same idea, but instead of onMouseOver, use onClick as the event that triggers the function... Don't use onMouseOut to restore the image. That's all.
(Image1 is displayed) (has onClick="function()" in the <a> tag)
(Image1 is Clicked, Then Image2 is Displayed) (i.e. the function happens)
(Image2 Stayed Until the New Page Loads) (the function is a straight image swap, nothing else will happen).
<a href="whatever.html" onClick="imageChange('imagename','imagesource')"><img src="image1.gif" name="imagename"></a>
Zero Cattle
Tables DeMystified
Grandmaster posted this at 00:03 — 24th June 2000.
They have: 677 posts
Joined: Mar 1999
Yeah, I just got that done, i had to figure it out on my own : )... But it works.. Thanskf or the help.
Ken Prescott
Ken Prescott
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