JavaScript document.write within a Frame

The Warden's picture

He has: 9 posts

Joined: Sep 2002

Hi. I have a situation where I'm unfortunately using frames. Now I want to use JavaScript, document.write to output a value within a frame. The problem is every time document.write is executed the entire frame is overwritten and just contains the value. Correct me here if I'm wrong but it is possible to document.write in a frame without the whole document been over written?

Here's a basic example of what I'm doing. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Venmar's Intranet

Your browser doesn't support frames. Please upgrade your browser to current release.



<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TTYPE="text/javascript">
function fnTest()
document.write("hello world");

nicora's picture

He has: 267 posts

Joined: Nov 2001

Venmar's Intranet

Your browser doesn't support frames. Please upgrade your browser to current release.


<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript"></script>



<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript"></script>

dk01's picture

He has: 516 posts

Joined: Mar 2002

The document.write function does not write inside a frame or a page after the page has been loaded. Instead you must use something called innerHTML or innerText. Here is a little link to explain it:

Don't forget that when using frames you have to refer to it with:
instead of

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