javascript blues
Hi folks
When it comes to Javascript, I'll be the first to admit that I have absolutely no idea! :-\
Here's what I'm trying to do. I wonder if anyone can help me ...
I've got 5 thumbnails, when the user clicks on the thumbnail, the relevent image loads up as a bigger picture. This isn't a problem. I'm simply using something like:
<img src="/images/ecards/06b.jpg" name="card" width="496" height="234" border="0">
<a href="#" OnClick="card.src='/images/ecards/02b.jpg';">
Which instructs the browser to change the "card" image to the one defined when someone clicks on the thumbnail.
Now, however, I need to know which image the user clicked on when the page gets submitted by a form. I think the way I want to do this, is when the user chooses a thumbnail, it writes the to the body of the page the filename chosen, but maybe write it to tags, so I can carry this across with me to the next page.
If anyone knows how to do this, or know of a better way -- please let me know!
- wil
Abhishek Reddy posted this at 13:48 — 19th August 2002.
He has: 3,348 posts
Joined: Jul 2001
Off the top of my head, to save it in ,
<a href="#" OnClick="card.src='/images/ecards/02b.jpg'; document.forms.YOUR_FORM.chosen_image.value='/images/ecards/02b.jpg'">
<form name="YOUR_FORM" action... yada yada>
<input type="hidden" name="chosen_image" value="none">
This way, thumbnail is enlarged and info is saved in chosen_image.
Note: chosen_image value by default should be something like "none" or "0" so that you can detect if nothing was selected. Or you could leave it blank and check for a returned string length of 0. Although, I'm not sure the latter is reliable...
Wil posted this at 14:04 — 19th August 2002.
They have: 601 posts
Joined: Nov 2001
Excellent! Thank you very much for your quick and correct response!
Abhishek Reddy posted this at 14:05 — 19th August 2002.
He has: 3,348 posts
Joined: Jul 2001
My pleasure.
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