java shop problem

adalt's picture

They have: 72 posts

Joined: Dec 2000

I have created a shopping cart using "shop factory" but when i change the page so it is in a frame the "add to cart" does not work. The best way to see it is to go there !!!

working version then click "enter", "pariani", "saddles", "add to cart"

non working version then click "pariani" saddles" & "add to cart"
then there is java error :

Line 61
Error.'parent.parent.extra.core'is not an object
code 0

And sorry for the long post but here is the page

<html lang="EN-GB" dir="LTR">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="everything for your horse & dog in scandinavia">

<META NAME="KeyWords" CONTENT="pariani, saddle, saddles, bridle, bridles, polypad, numnah, sarm, hippique, hevonen, hevosia, hevoset, talli, el&auml;in, lemmikki,lemmikkeil&auml;in, el&auml;inkauppa, ratsu, ratsastus, ratsastustarvikkeet, ratsastusvarusteet, satula, hevosvarusteet, suitset, hevosia myt&auml;v&auml;n&auml;, hevostarvikeita, satula huopa, ratsastushousut, vaatteet, vaate, Pariani, saddle, saddles, polypad, horse, sarm, hippique, sally, mitchell, art, tack, bridle, finland, dog">

&lt;script language="JavaScript"&gt; var p=location.pathname; var f=p.substring(p.lastIndexOf("/")+1,p.length); if(top.location == location) { var s = "enter.html?target=" + f; location = s; } &lt;/script&gt;

&lt;script language="JavaScript"&gt;


var deptDisc=0.00

function order(){if(parent.parent.coreLoaded) parent.parent.extra.core.order();}

function viewBasket(){if(parent.parent.coreLoaded) parent.parent.extra.core.viewBasket();}

// -->



<META NAME="resource-type" CONTENT="document">

<META HTTP-EQUIV="description" CONTENT="Saddles"

><META HTTP-EQUIV="distribution" CONTENT="Global">


<BODY BACKGROUND="" BGCOLOR="#ede4b3" link="#000000" vlink="#000000" text="#000000">

<form name="departmentForm">

<!--Created with ShopFactory 4.21 <a href="" class="bb-url"></a> All JavaScript Copyright Pty Ltd 1998/99-->

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<FONT FACE="" SIZE="+3">Saddles</FONT>

<TABLE width=80%><TR><TD>






<HR WIDTH="95%" ALIGN="Center" SIZE="3">

<!-- end head -->

<!-- start product -->

<a name="item_New_Product1"></a>

<!--Start editing below this line-->

<!--name, price-->

<center><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=5 border="0" width=95% valign=top BGCOLOR="#D0D0D0">

<tr><td align=left valign=top width=95%>

<FONT FACE="" SIZE=""><B>New Product1</B></FONT>&nbsp;

<FONT size="-1" FACE=""></FONT>

</td><td align="right" valign=top>&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT FACE="" SIZE=""><b>Euro&nbsp;2,075.00</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT></td>


<!--picture, description-->

<TABLE width=95% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 border=0><TR><TD>

<IMG SRC="media/000210.jpg"border="0"  width="285"  height="213"  HSPACE="5" VSPACE="5" ALT=""><BR>

<FONT Color="#ff0000" FACE="" SIZE=""></FONT>

<FONT FACE="" SIZE="">Jumping saddle with seat padded in felt and PROLITE®, wool stuffed panels, covered safety stirrup-bars to avoid leg contact. Custom made saddle with biggest knee-rolls to provide the best leg control..<br> </FONT>



<CENTER><TABLE width=95%>


<td align=left  valign=top>&nbsp; </td>

<CENTER><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=5 border="0" valign=top><tr>


<CENTER><TABLE cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>

<TR valign=top align=center><TD valign=top><input type="text" name="item_New_Product1_itemQuantity" size=2 value="1">

</TD><TD valign=top><input type="hidden" name="item_New_Product1_itmOrderNumber" value="pa002101"><a href="JavaScript:parent.parent.extra.core.theBsk.addItm(document.departmentForm, 'item_New_Product1_', 1);" onMouseOver="parent.parent.extra.core.showItmPrc(document.departmentForm, 'item_New_Product1_', 1);" onMouseOut="parent.parent.extra.core.hideItmPrc();"><img src="addbutton.gif" alt="Add to basket" border="0"></a><input type="hidden" name="item_New_Product1_localTax" value="1"><input type="hidden" name="item_New_Product1_shipA" value="0.00"><input type="hidden" name="item_New_Product1_shipB" value="0.00"><input type="hidden" name="item_New_Product1_shipC" value="0.00"><input type="hidden" name="item_New_Product1_itmDisc" value=""><input type="hidden" name="item_New_Product1_price" value="2075.00"><input type="hidden" name="item_New_Product1_title" value="New Product1"><input type="hidden" name="item_New_Product1_weight" value="0.00"><a href="JavaScript:viewBasket();"><img src="viewbasket.gif" alt="Basket" border="0"></a>



<td align=center valign=middle><A HREF="#item_New_Product1"><IMG SRC="point-up.gif" WIDTH="19" HEIGHT="15" BORDER="0" ALT="New Product1"></A></TD>



<!-- end product -->

<!-- start tail -->


<FONT FACE="" SIZE="-1"><CENTER><a href="" class="bb-url"></a></CENTER></FONT>






Before you criticise someone walk a mile in their shoes......
Then, if they don't like what you say they are 1 mile away and barefoot.

detox's picture

They have: 571 posts

Joined: Feb 2001

I think you have to go over your dom definitions, you have the same calls for framed and nonframed pages. without targeting the mainframe that you want to add to cart, you are always going to come up with object is null etc errors.

I only had a short glance, but that would be what I would suggest.

by the way, you can download Microsofts script debugger for free at microsofts web site

(I absolutely hate speaking of microsoft in a good light, but the debugger is a great tool to have a round. Who knows there might be other ones out there too, so you might want to do a search....)

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