Image Scrolling
Lets say I have an image of 600x600 and I display it in an area of 300x300 is it possible to get a script that will allow me to scroll around the parts of the image I can't see due to the size it is displaying in (300x300). It would put arrows at the four sides of the square that allow me to move around.
forwardtrends posted this at 14:57 — 27th February 2003.
He has: 52 posts
Joined: Feb 2003
Thats a tough one.. I know you can scroll an image with java (DHTML) left to right, probably up and down as well.. but while masking half of it?
If i was trying to do this I'd get flash and have it done in 5 minutes.
If your anti-flash try using a 300 x 300 iframe - change the attributes of the iframe with css (scroll bar and border) so it will give you virtually the same effect (and if your not worried about non-compatabilty with java then frames shouldnt be a problem either.)
Aaron Elliott
The Webmistress posted this at 15:20 — 27th February 2003.
She has: 5,586 posts
Joined: Feb 2001
My question is why do you want to do this?
Suzanne posted this at 19:06 — 27th February 2003.
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Assuming it's a size restriction (that's the only available space on the page), then perhaps another solution would be more useful? i.e. a new window without all the site template around it so there is space?
If you have a limit because of the device (smaller viewing area), then perhaps something like a Java applet would be useful, or Flash?
You could also use a server-side solution that would involve a smaller image, 3000x300, split into quadrants (or smaller pieces) and then you can click to get a zoom effect (reload with a piece of the larger image).
That last solution may be the most usable and bandwidth friendly, depending on whether every user will need to use this page at every visit (then your solution is best or a link to the larger popup), or if it's something only a few people will need once and awhile (then the popup or the slicing options would be better).
Khanny posted this at 02:53 — 28th February 2003.
They have: 51 posts
Joined: Dec 2002
thanks, turns out we don't need it anymore unfortunatley
Roo posted this at 03:05 — 28th February 2003.
She has: 840 posts
Joined: Apr 1999
Well I'll ask anyway!
Were you speaking of something like IPIX? (like is used for virtual tours?)
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