IE6 bugs and stuff
Anyone have first hand experience with IE6 and it's many bugs?
I'm trying to compile a list of them and since I'm not going to upgrade to it, have to rely on what I can find around the web.
have a few things already
DOC type issues
nested tables issues
including javascript files
any HTML, XHTML or CSS issues wanted, and work arounds if known
mjames posted this at 22:25 — 23rd November 2002.
They have: 2,064 posts
Joined: Dec 1999
Nothing is perfect, but IE6 has given me no additional problems compared to IE5 or Mozilla, Opera, etc. In fact, I recently read about how insecure Mozilla actually is on SecurityFocus and CNET.
Busy posted this at 22:28 — 23rd November 2002.
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Joined: May 2001
True nothing is perfect, they all have bugs, Opera6 has a habit of crashing for no reason, mozilla has issues ...
was just wanting to list some for people having problems since I don't use IE6
Busy posted this at 05:50 — 24th November 2002.
He has: 6,151 posts
Joined: May 2001
found some URL's
one of the biggest work arounds is to not use the <?xml> tag above the DOC tag or IE wont render the DOC tag. use the meta tag to do the same.
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