IE double bullet issue

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Joined: May 2011

I'm trying to solve an error that show in IE6. It seems like IE6 ignore the code:

  • which result in a double bullet. The html is generated from a program called uPerform so can't change the html, just the css file. Is there a way to get around that issue? HTML code below.
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    Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 11.34.18 AM.png38.81 KB
    Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 11.32.46 AM.png17.29 KB
    Screen shot 2011-05-17 at 11.50.31 AM.png6.73 KB

    He has: 629 posts

    Joined: May 2007

    We will need both HTML and CSS code to debug this.
    Can you post a working link to a test case?

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