html target in Javascript?

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Joined: Mar 2000

Hi, I'm using the following script to create a cycle of banners on my website:

<!-- Hide script from old browsers

adImages = new Array("ads/cchbanner.gif","ads/afsa-spot-cl1.jpg","ads/afsa-spot-cl2.jpg","ads/wellsfargo.gif")
adURL = new Array("","","","")
thisAd = 0
imgCt = adImages.length

function rotate() {
if (document.images) {
if (document.adBanner.complete) {
if (thisAd == imgCt) {
thisAd = 0
  setTimeout("rotate()", 3 * 1000)

function newLocation() {
parent.location.href = adURL[thisAd]

// End hiding script from old browsers -->

For the URLs that I'm linking to, I want to add something that is the equivalent of the HTML phrase target="_blank" so that they open in a new window. I've tried just adding that HTML into the URL, but it doesn't work. I can't add it into the parent.location.href line because I don't know a JavaScript equivalent way to say target="_blank".

I'm sorry if this question is elementary, but I'd appreciate any help!

Thanks, Phyllis

They have: 488 posts

Joined: Feb 2000

Try for example in your script"","","","")

Mark Hensler's picture

He has: 4,048 posts

Joined: Aug 2000

function newLocation() {[thisAd],'ad')

with the last arguement left out, the window will be a normal window. If you want to control the atmosphere, just add the last arguement...

Mark Hensler
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