HTML CSS basic Question

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Joined: Nov 2005

Hello webmasters,

I am modifying a template that was built for mambo and trying to make it more suitable for my intentions.

I have modifed the layout a bit by adding a table to control some placement as there were some DIV tabs embedded in other DIV tags and I could not really see what was happening in the code, but it did not look right on the screen.

Well the question is what does the following line of code mean and do to the template and broswer?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">

I am not sure the template is still xhtml compliant with the small changes I made. Is that code above needed and does it do anything to the browser? what happens if I just remove it?


Busy's picture

He has: 6,151 posts

Joined: May 2001

It tells the browser yo'd like it displayed in XHTML is a validation service, run your URL through it and you are able to make your site XHTML valid once more.

Megan's picture

She has: 11,421 posts

Joined: Jun 1999

As Busy said, the doctype tells the browser how you want the page to be displayed. There can be some slight variations in display (especially in modern browsers) depending on the doctype. So if you changed that to xHTML strict (instead of transitional), some browsers might interpret some things differently.

Here's a reference:

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