HR color change - Color change

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Joined: Jun 1999

Hi, i was wondering if you can change the color of the <HR> lines or what ever you call them. Thanks.

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Joined: Nov 1998

There is a way, I remember using it one day - however it is much better to just use a red (or whatever colour) gif and changing the width to what you need.

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I believe you can do this:


Try it...I'm not completely sure Smiling

Casey Hansen

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<HR color="red" noshade>

-Works with IE.

Colored .gif image

-Works in both, but has to be a pixel width and not a percentage.

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If you want a percentage you can use a table with the image for the background. Then put the image in the table as a image. For example see
The blue line at the bottom is in a table

Hope this helps

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