How to Preload Background Image?

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Joined: Dec 2001


May I know what code should be added to make the background image appear before everything else?

My site is located at

As can be seen, the background takes too long to load...


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Joined: Nov 2001

Hm. It came through OK and right on que on my 28k modem at home Smiling. I don't see the need for you to do this to be honest.

The only way I know of doing this is to create an intro page before this one and preload the images in the background using javascript, so that the images are already stored in your browsers cache. You could make it an empty page, or just a simple page with some "loading..." text if you wished.

You can pre-load images using Javascript similar to the code below. The code is designed for multiple images, so there might be more overheads than needed. I hope this helps.

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function doPreload()
var my_images = new Array('/path/to/bg/image.gif');

function preloadImages(my_images_array) {

for(loop = 0; loop < my_images_array.length; loop++)
   var an_image = new Image();
an_image.src = my_images_array[loop];
// -->

<BODY OnLoad="doPreload();">

- wil

detox's picture

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There are a lot of good preloading scripts out there, just be sure that if you go down this way, that you at least keep there interest in you site whilst yo do so. If I have to wait a long time for a preloader and the site inside isn't worth the wait I just go away!

Give an introduction to the site so their attention is taken away from the preloader.....

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Joined: Dec 2001

So you reckon it's better to leave it as it is? Was initially afraid it wouldn't turn up well on 28.8...but since it's ok, then I'll save the trouble...Thanks!

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I would leave it, yes. On my work machine (connected via a T3 line) it all loads in an instant and all looks OK.

But even on my 28k line at home it all loaded fairly quickly with the background image loading roughly the same time as the rest of the page. As there was enough content for me to read on the page, I didn't notice the background not loading or loading faster or slower than any other part of the page.

- wil

They have: 23 posts

Joined: Dec 2001

Greatly appreciated...

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