Help validating
Please help guys how can i validate my site its always no page transitional.
I test to create again from dreamweaver and i know theres a valid page transitional when you create new page. but when i put a table and images. it has errors again. what should i do.. ?
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Busy posted this at 09:07 — 22nd January 2007.
He has: 6,151 posts
Joined: May 2001
change your DOC tag to:
You have a lot of errors (38) that are filtering down, work on the top few then test again.
if you still get mismatch error, remove the following line
You have other errors in your code but fixing the top couple at a time will narrow down what you need to fix. I could give you all the faults but you wouldn't learn, this is the perfect time to learn as you will remember these errors next time (and there is more often than not a next time)
Megan posted this at 13:56 — 22nd January 2007.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
I'll give you a couple of hints - now you are trying to validate an HTML document with some xHTML syntax. So if you want to go with HTML instead of xHTML, you need to remove those closing slashes on the meta tags. Dreamweaver can do this for you I think. Try file > convert > HTML.
Another one that's causing problems for you is unencoded special characters. Some characters like ampersands, even when placed in URL's, need to be encoded. This will make sure they always display as intended. So use & wherever you see that.
I think you'll be able to follow the feedback from the validator for the rest.
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