Happy New Year Everyone ! i need some help with divs ..

They have: 45 posts

Joined: Jun 2009

guys i need help with divs i have a container div which containes 2 divs that are are suppose to be next to each other div left and div right but the

#divleft {
float: left;
float: right

but the right div goes to the right but stays under the left div .....

please help

He has: 131 posts

Joined: Jun 2008

I think you have to define a width for each div and from expirence if using a percentage be sure to leave some extra space between them.


#divleft {
#divright {
float right;

However I prefer to align them both to the same side to eliminate or control the emptiness in the middle. The css is like

#leftdiv {
#rightdiv {

And the HTML like this to get them in the correct spots

<div id="leftdiv">
Left div contents
<div id="rightdiv">
Right div contents

Hope this helps

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