Giving users their own homepage help
To all of you who have helped me I really like that forum.
I have a question, if I want to give my users their own member area
like a place where they can upload their pictures and have a little guestbook etc. What is the best best tool I can use to do that?
And where can I download that? Thank you in advance
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zollet posted this at 19:46 — 9th June 2003.
He has: 1,016 posts
Joined: May 2002
Look through the Perl/CGI and the PHP section at and see if you can find what you're looking for.
kb posted this at 21:31 — 9th June 2003.
He has: 1,380 posts
Joined: Feb 2002
the best way would be to have a PHP session, where they log in, and then it "opens" the session, and so when they goto their specific "members page", it would say "Hello Judy!" where the code would look something like "Hello $name!", where $name is the name of the member, according to their personal information that is part of the session
Haitisurf posted this at 15:48 — 10th June 2003.
They have: 67 posts
Joined: Aug 2001
That sound pretty cool, but I do not know how to do that. My php skills are very poor, I still have a lot to learn. I do not have the least idea where I would place that code.
I would like to know also if there is any tool out there were I can give the members their own homepage. like http://www.my_website/members/joeb_low
and then in this spot joe_blow the member can upload his pictures and have his own guestgook and profile etc.
Can any body help if they know about such tool. I found on, but it not good.
please help if you can
Please visit my and sign up with a picture it is free, free sign up please.
Gunner posted this at 03:29 — 19th July 2003.
They have: 5 posts
Joined: Jul 2003
I got a script from that I was able to modify to make a start page for my clients with! If you want to see an example click here and use
login: guest
password: guest
you can upload pics and change user info but you cant delete the account or change the password (I disabled those functions).
It is easly customizeble to add a guestbook and other features.
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