Forms, CSS & NS
Why when you use CSS to colour form textarea boxes does it not display at all in NS4? On input boxes it just displays the boxes normal colour size etc but with a small box the colour on the stylesheet beside it but not on the textarea, that doesn't display anything at all???
Julia - if life was meant to be easy Michael Angelo would have painted the floor....
kb posted this at 00:49 — 8th October 2002.
He has: 1,380 posts
Joined: Feb 2002
...its a browser?
jkd posted this at 03:41 — 8th October 2002.
They have: 21 posts
Joined: Oct 2000
NS4 has poor CSS support. You'll find that you can style form elements to a greater degree in NS6+ than even IE though.
Busy posted this at 05:58 — 8th October 2002.
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Joined: May 2001
I don't think there is a work around for NS4
similar thing happens on forms when you use fieldset and legend html with css
If your really worried you could use jsss which only works on some NS4 browsers
[quick history lesson]Netscape offered W3C a style sheet guide (jsss) a while before CSS came out and before the release of the 4.? browser, W3C turned it down and said they were going with CSS so Netscape due to release their new browser had to change it from jsss to css, they got some of it but not all, hense not supporting a lot of todays CSS. Weird thing is the direction of XHTML and CSS is heading to something similar to what NS proposed in the begining.[/end of lesson]
Netscape also gave us tables
The Webmistress posted this at 07:21 — 8th October 2002.
She has: 5,586 posts
Joined: Feb 2001
Ok, as long as it isn't just me! lol
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