Firefox Issue
Hi, all.
I need to have the bottom of my middle column (#information) line-up horizontally with the bottom of my right column (#page_navigation) when scrolled to the bottom of the page. (My right column is eight pixels from the bottom of the screen.) It works perfectly in Opera but I'm having trouble with Firefox, which shows a larger-than-necessary gap between the bottom and #information. Is there any way to make #information line-up perfectly in Firefox as well as Opera?
Thanks in advance.
JeevesBond posted this at 02:23 — 17th December 2006.
He has: 3,956 posts
Joined: Jun 2002
This is definately a problem with Firefox. If you comment out line 153 (/* ASTERISK MOTIF */) you'll see the problem goes away.
You'll also notice that it's not possible to position :after pseudo elements either (was discussing this with the missus). Seems the Firefox implementation isn't complete.
Maybe Firefox renders the page, then puts in :before and :after pseudo-elements. Am going to have a quick look for bugs, see if anyone else has reported this behaviour.
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JeevesBond posted this at 05:25 — 17th December 2006.
He has: 3,956 posts
Joined: Jun 2002
I would say your bug is a product of bug #144826 It might be worth constructing a test case to show the problem. After all, if you don't complain about it, they might think it's not an issue.
a Padded Cell our articles site!
nadamt posted this at 08:42 — 17th December 2006.
They have: 18 posts
Joined: Jul 2005
Thanks a bunch, JeevesBond! I'll definitely get on the test case thing soon. .
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