external src in div's

Jack Michaelson's picture

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Is it possible to have an external html-file as a source for a DIV? (just like a FRAME or IFRAME works)
If yes, how Wink?

Busy's picture

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At a very wild quess

how about a javascript include , but then you wouldnt get the use of scroll bars unless you used textera.

Vincent Puglia's picture

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Hi Jack,

Not to my knowledge. Why would you want to? That is, what is your are trying to do?


Jack Michaelson's picture

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I try to get a DIV (or a SPAN) to work as an iframe and change the contents from out of the DIV...

I know this can be faked by using several DIV's with visibility:false/true, but then the user has to loads all the different DIV's (a large amount of content) in one time...

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Vincent Puglia's picture

They have: 634 posts

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Hi Jack,

what's wrong with an iframe and ilayer (nn4's precursor to ie's iframe)? Both allow src='something.html'. The ilayer can work like a div & the iframe can be put inside one (though I've never tried the latter)


Where the world once stood
the blades of grass cut me still

Jack Michaelson's picture

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"what's wrong with an iframe and ilayer "

Well, I thought about that, but I wanted to place other DIVs on top of the IFRAME and when I did that the IFRAME came on top no matter what.

So I tried a DIV with z-index=3 with the IFRAME in it... I had another DIV width z-index="higher than 3", but the IFRAME appeared on top... Sad

Get the problem? Smiling

Shakespeare: onclick || !(onclick)

taff's picture

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arghh! I was just reading about this very issue... somewhere as recently as... yesterday? Man, I'm getting senile. If it comes to me I'll post back.


Vincent Puglia's picture

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Hi Jack,

Sorry about the delay, but my keyboard had a meltdown; evidently electronics & mimosas don't mix Laughing out loud

Not certain I understand you...you want to have the iframe & another div visible at the same time? And you have different zOrders? And you can't place the other div somewhere else? Is that it? If so, offhand I can't help. If that's wrong, why not use one div and simply rewrite it when necessary?


Where the world once stood
the blades of grass cut me still

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