<div> restrict
Hi, i have now started to lay out my websites using css only i have a problem. If i enter some text in between the div tags, and the text is longer that the div, the text will simply continue over pass the div and across the page. With a table it will wrap nicly. How can i make the div act like a table in a way that the text will continue on a new line when it gets to the full width of the div?
Hope this makes sense. I tried to put a table inside the div but it just messed things up and then i figured if it did work i may as well just use tables and not divs?
Megan posted this at 15:03 — 16th May 2006.
She has: 11,421 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
What do you mean the text is longer than the div? How are you specifying the size of the div? If you put up a link to what you've got it might be easier to help.
You could also look at the overflow property:
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steve40 posted this at 15:47 — 16th May 2006.
He has: 490 posts
Joined: May 2005
This do's it.
JeevesBond posted this at 18:51 — 16th May 2006.
He has: 3,956 posts
Joined: Jun 2002
It sounds like you haven't set the width of the div in your CSS. For instance, if you have this DIV:
<div id="header">
... content ...
then, in your CSS you could have:
#header {
width: 10em;
That should cause the text to wrap when it reaches a width of 10em (em is a related to character size, if you design using em your layouts will change according to how big or little the user has their font size set to). If you're a little mystified/uncomfortable with em you can start with px or % until you feel ready to experiment.
If you're still unsure then do as Megan suggested: Post a link and we'll have a look.
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Busy posted this at 21:49 — 16th May 2006.
He has: 6,151 posts
Joined: May 2001
Long links especially will always overlap the CSS div, example the link Megan gave above over laps the div, the code JeevesBond gave overlaps the div.
On a fixed layout the only real way is to use smaller font size or scroll it for long links, div's within div's need to be set within the parents dimensions
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