Detecting elements inside <p> that is floating

They have: 426 posts

Joined: Feb 2005

Hi all,

I am loading some javascript on a page which inserts an image after each . Trouble is if I have a div element or any other element inside the that is floating to either left or right, the image is does not fit under the correctly.

I need a way of detecting whether there is another element inside the that is floating so I can stop inserting the image altogether and move onto the next ?

any help or advice appreciated.

teammatt3's picture

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Joined: Sep 2003

Are you sure you need JS for this? If you add this to your CSS:

img {

Does it fix the problem? It might mess up other images on the page though Sad. If you can add a class name to the images included by the JS, you can change the CSS to apply only to those images.

Renegade's picture

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Hard to know the problem exactly without a link but, a lot of the time, if you have a bunch of elements are floating inside another element - commonly a DIV - if you set the containing element to overflow:hidden; then it will display correctly, and not hide the containing elements.

<style type="text/css">
#gallery-container {
.gallery-item {

<div id="gallery-container">
<div class="gallery-item"><img src="image.gif" width="100" height="100" alt="" title="" /></div>
<div class="gallery-item"><img src="image.gif" width="100" height="100" alt="" title="" /></div>
<div class="gallery-item"><img src="image.gif" width="100" height="100" alt="" title="" /></div>
<div class="gallery-item"><img src="image.gif" width="100" height="100" alt="" title="" /></div>

There are of course, other ways to do the above, but it was the best example I could think of off the top of my head.

Renegade's picture

He has: 3,022 posts

Joined: Oct 2002

er... ok, the code didn't come out as I posted it..

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Joined: Feb 2012


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