CSS how do I mimick Blockquote in CSS?

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Joined: Feb 2002

How do I indent a body of text using CSS w/o Blockquote?

btw - Text-Indent: only applies to the first line. I want the whole paragraph to be indented.

Busy's picture

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have you tried margin/padding?

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Yes, using margins should work. I needed to indent some text here: http://www.plusp.com/classroom/lesson17.php and so I used and the .indent has the right and left margins each set at 100 px. Alternatively, I'm sure you could use a div set to a specific width.


Renegade's picture

He has: 3,022 posts

Joined: Oct 2002

p.blockquote {


p.blockquote {

one of them works, I think it's the second one

Renegade's picture

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btw to use it go like this This text here should imitate the block quote tag

Suzanne's picture

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Renegade, if you want it to work like blockquote, you'll need to use both margin-left and margin-right.

Also, you have some other options -- use blockquote if you want for pages using xhtml 1.0 transitional and lower, or use for pages coded xhtml strict and style the element.

Renegade's picture

He has: 3,022 posts

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both left and right? hmm I thought it was just the left :S of well

in that case it's :

p.blockquote {

Laughing out loud

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