CSS Crash Course

Greg K's picture

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Well, I hae been wanting to rpoperly learn CSS for a while, just haven't had the time to sit down and learn what is proper and will work across most browsers and the right way of writing it.

I have done some CSS, mainly with the help of dreamweaver.

Well now I have a nightmare on my hands, I have to take a site that has gone to crap with "old school" formatting and re-do it in proper form. (my choice, not bosses, I just want it right and easy to modify).

So i figured I would go to browse the css zen garden, to see how they do the things I need, where to put them in the CSS, and feed them back to dreamweaver to see where those settings are.

Well ok, so I'm looking at style #175, and in looking at the css, I see what I need to find, the CSS equivenet of putting all the page content inside one huge table to get it centered, with a solid background and only 710 wide.

I quickly figured out that the #container was for use with an ID, (up to this point, I had only done things like .container)

however right below it, i see the following:

Quote: * html #container
width: 744px;
w\idth: 724px;

Is this saying apply the following to everything (*) then to the html tag and then the style #container (which just right above that in its own definition says width: 724px;)?

Also, is the second line jsut a mess up and shouldn't be there?

I was under the impression that the styles at the zen garden were verified as proper before displayed. Im thinking maybe some have errors. I just wanted to make sure.

[post edit] I just ran the page (http://www.csszengarden.com/?cssfile=175/175.css) through css validator and it says no errors, so then what is the purpose of w\idth ?

I have always learned best from examples, see something, try it, modify it to see results, learn how it works from playing with it. However, this works best when you have good solid examples to start out with. Any recomendations other sites to learn from example would be appriciated as well.


PS, if you are bored and want to attempt to help me on this nightmare, PM me and I will give you the address. To be honest, I'm too embarassed to post the link in public due to the bosses content he wants up for "marketing". (can we say infomercial site?)

Megan's picture

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w\idth is a box model hack. Do a google search for "box model hack" and you'll find out what I'm talking about. Baiscally, IE has an improper interpretation of how div widths with padding & borders should be displayed. There are a couple of ways to get around that and w\idth is one of them.

demonhale's picture

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well ive read that you dont even need to have a box model hack to display your page correctly in all browsers, same code for all, you just need to stick it in that every code is for layout and positioning in css, the mentality is different from table layout, as mentioned in the w3c school. Anyway, if you did it correctly for one, hack your way to the other... Sequence is definitely gonna be MOZ - - Opera - - Ie

JeevesBond's picture

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Well first points are:
1. Have you got a full, valid DTD as the FIRST line of code on your pages?
2. As Megan said this is a hack, but only needs to be used where - in addition to the width - you need to specify a padding/border.

What the W3C Standards Say
(This isn't exactly what they say, but a more reader-friendly version of the specs Smiling )
The total width of a block-level element in normal flow (i.e. a div tag with display:block; ) is:

Left Margin + Left border + Left padding + <strong>Width</strong> + Right padding + Right border + Right margin

Note: This is the rendered width of the block, i.e. What you will actually see on screen. The 'Width' you supply does not include padding, border or margin.

What Microsoft Say (for IE5.x and IE6 quirks mode)
(Actually I ignore most things they say, this is just what I heard on the grapevine Wink )

The total width of a block-level element in normal flow (i.e. a div tag with display:block; ) is:

              |--------------------------<strong>Equals Width</strong>---------------------------|
              |                                                                 |
Left Margin + Left border + Left padding + Content + Right padding + Right border + Right margin

In the Microsoft model padding and border are included in the width, so if you supplied a width of 200px, a border of 50px and a padding of 50px the width allocated to your content would only be 100px.

So to get everything working together you need one value for browsers using the W3C box model and another value for those using the Microsoft model, enter...

The Hack
What you've got there *sucks air through teeth like a plumber about to annouce something's going to be very expensive* is a modified SBMH (simplified box model hack). Without confusing you further, this exploits more bugs in IE to get it to behave with CSS, let's break it down:

1. The Star HTML Bug
HTML is the root of any (X)HTML document, so whilst:

* html { ---Declarations--- }
Is valid, it shouldn't match to any element, there isn't anything in the document tree higher than HTML. This is the case for Opera, Firefox and even NS4, they will ignore this selector, IE - and note this is any version up to IE6/Win - does match this successfully to the html element. So in the first part of the hack we've created a selector that specifically targets IE, any other browser will ignore any declarations within this selector.

2. A Note on DOCTYPES
Most current browsers have a quirks and a standards mode. In this instance we are interested in Internet Explorer: IE5.x will always use the Microsoft box model, whereas IE6 will use the W3C model if it's in standards mode.

The way to get a browser to work in standards mode is to include a full DOCTYPE on the first line of you code. If a browser finds this it knows you're adhering to standards and will use the W3C's box model.

This causes some problems if you're using XHTML 1.1 (or higher), but that's another story Smiling

Looking at the first line of code at CSS Zen Garden you'll see:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
This will make IE6 use the W3C box model when it's interpreting the CSS; the relevance of this will become clear shortly.

3. The Two Declarations
Two property declarations are now needed, one for IE5.x and one for IE6. This is because both IE5.x and IE6 will use the star html selector, but IE6 is using the W3C box model and IE5.x isn't; this is where the w\idth property becomes important.

width: 744px;
This is for IE5.x, all IE's (up to and including IE6) will read this but the next line overrides this property for IE6 only:
w\idth: 724px;
IE6 reads this and ignores the escape (backslash) character, as this property is exactly the same as the previous one, but comes later in the stylesheet, it implements the second one. This is the correct value according to the W3C box model (hopefully the relevance of the DOCTYPE is now clear, if the DOCTYPE wasn't present or not on the first line of code only one property declaration would be required).
IE5.x starts reading the property, gets to the escape character, says: "Eeek! What's that doing there?!" Then ignores the entire property, therefore favouring the first width of 744px, if the escape character wasn't present it would do exactly the same as IE6, but we don't want that as IE5.x is using the Microsoft box model.

4. Select Your Element(s)
The next part is to select the precise element you're going to apply the hack to, in the case it's an element with the name "container." So your completed selector looks like:

* html #container { ---declarations--- }
As said: Only IE will read this selector as other browsers will not match it to an element.

Further Reading/Acknowledgements
I gleaned most of what's said here from the following sites:
Modified SBMH: -
Star HTML Hack: -
W3C Box Model Specs: -

Hope this helps!!!

a Padded Cell our articles site!

demonhale's picture

He has: 3,278 posts

Joined: May 2005

hey that was extensive jeeves, i was wondering though, the first two links are from the philippines?

JeevesBond's picture

He has: 3,956 posts

Joined: Jun 2002

That's what came up in Google, if the person who wrote it knows what they're talking about (and they do) I'm not going to question where they're from Laughing out loud

a Padded Cell our articles site!

demonhale's picture

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LOL, its not that im particular with nationailty, I just noticed that its a dot ph,
also that the address is from a prepaid dial-up internet provider...
Its just that I seldom see links from ol' phil...

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