Changing the look of text
I have two frames. One with a dropdown menu and one with text. Is there a way to write a script that will allow you to select something in the dropdown menu that would change the look of the text by greying out the text that is not applicable to the selection and leaving the applicable text as is? I know this is confusing.
Suzanne posted this at 22:10 — 14th June 2000.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
You could use SSI or ASP to generate the drop down depending on the situations. What you would have is basically killing the link (having no hyperlink destination) and changing the colour of the word.
You can do this with CSS (changing the colour) but it will only work in IE.
So basically you can have it so that the link doesn't work (which is close to your intent), and have some added functionality in IE.
Zero Cattle
Tables DeMystified
jules posted this at 13:48 — 15th June 2000.
They have: 37 posts
Joined: Oct 1999
I would probably use the CSS method using IE only. How would I call out the different styles and make the link not work.
Jack Michaelson posted this at 07:40 — 16th June 2000.
He has: 1,733 posts
Joined: Dec 1999
Ehm, I can't figure out why one would make a non-accesable link.
Suzanne posted this at 09:06 — 16th June 2000.
She has: 5,507 posts
Joined: Feb 2000
You would de-activate the link if you were already on the page the link would go to. This helps the user (a) know where they are in the site and (b) not reload the page they are already on by accident.
Zero Cattle
Tables DeMystified
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