Can CGI create a table in a page
I have a web shop based on the Smart-Shop Perl script. But I want to create my HTML pages and just let the script add the table holding the product information (description, price, Buy me). I have tryed with the following code but can not get it to be executed.
<script language=JavaScript type="text/javascript">
document.write('<br><img width=265 height=29 border=0 src=""');
// -->
Is there a better way?
mailto:[email protected]
Ken Elliott posted this at 19:22 — 22nd June 2000.
They have: 358 posts
Joined: Jun 1999
I think that this post should be in the CGI-PERL forum. But I will attempt to answer it.
I am not sure I understand what you are trying to print because I don't know squat about javascript
This is the format for printing anything in PERL.
print "<table background=\"someimage.gif\">";
As you can see you just add your info and then be sure to escape every double and single quote within the code you are trying to print.
Use this for everything you need to print. Like this would print out a complete table.
print "<table border=0>";
print "<tr><td align=\"center\">";
print "This is the header or something";
print "</td></tr><tr><td align=\"left\">";
print "And this is just some text";
print "</td></tr></table>";
and there is your complete table.
Hope that helps.
Pimpin like a pimp with an electrofied pimpin machine!
Lennart Johansson posted this at 10:34 — 23rd June 2000.
They have: 2 posts
Joined: Jun 2000
Hi VulKen,
Thank you for your answer. Yes, I am using Perl but that is not my problem at least I think that I can write the Perl code that is needed.
My problem is to find the right document.write() code that will activate the Perl script. The example that I gave you is placing the Html code at the page but it does not run the Perl script.
My test page is located at
The final result should look like
Please let me know if you have any ideas about how to modify my test1.htm page so it will activate the Perl script.
Note! The current call to the Perl script will not produce the table as it should look because that function does not exist yet. It will now put out a whole web page with header, a table and a footer. But as soon as I get the Perl code to be activated from the document.write() I will modify the Perl script to put out only the table containing the order information.
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