background file in Netscape

tania721's picture

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Hey...I'm contemplating switching over to Netscape after reading a bunch of posts here about Microsoft and how invasive they are becoming. Anyway to cut a long story short - I don't know a hell of a lot about the differences between viewing pages in MSIE and Netscape. So I have a `start page' which is a collection of all my fave links...and for some reason the background won't show up in Netscape but it will in MSIE...maybe im totally blind but what am I missing here?

Is it something to do with pointing to that particular directory or....?

Thanx - Tania

`Imagination is more important than Knowledge' ~ Albert Einstein

Busy's picture

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you have "u" drive where your background image is, if your going to upload this to the net your cant have the drive included in the link.

if your images are in the same folder as the html page just use the image name, if the images are in a folder in the folder your html files are use folder_name/image name ...

Do the same for Netscape as you would for IE, however some things dont work or both browsers, for example, bgproperties=fixed wont work in Netscape, instead you need a style sheet like so:

BODY { background-properties : fixed }

ignore the "php", just add this in your head section.

when you add an image to your pages, (any color apart from white) you should always use a bgcolor=?? as well, this way if the background doesnt show or is slow loading the text can always be read.

basefont is another tag thats being dropped, you can also use a style sheet to replace this, use "px" (stands for pixel), i think 12px is equal to default, as this is more reliable than "pt", for font size - works in most browsers equally (size 5 is BIG, default is 3)

Suzanne's picture

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It won't matter how you do it, it won't work in Netscape 4.x -- it doesn't do fixed backgrounds.

Also, those of us who never tweaked our Netscapes will have a bgcolor defaulting to grey -- so even if you are using white as your bgcolor, you *might* want to include it.

As far as the background goes for viewing on your harddrive, Netscape and IE trace where the file is differently, Netscape using file:///u|Internet%20Start%20Page/back.gif -- note also that while IE is permissive with spaces in names of folders and such, Netscape is not. Getting in the habit of not using spaces in folders and file names will stand you in good stead of you are doing a lot of web production. It's the single most common problem people bring to me -- not viewing files because of spaces in the file or directory names.

Smiling Suzanne

tania721's picture

They have: 39 posts

Joined: Aug 2001

Hiya Busy
Thanx for that - I'll check out that stylesheet stuff...yeah Im not uploading it to the web, just using it locally as a quick way to access my fave lazy! *grin*

Hey Suzanne
Ta - I never knew that bout the no spaces and the way Netscape changes the way it lists directories and stuff - that'll be whats up with it! Thankyou! Smiling

`Imagination is more important than Knowledge' ~ Albert Einstein

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