Autorefresh to a full screen
I was wondering if someone could help me here. I want to have a blank page autorefresh to a full screen page. I know the script to open a new window in full screen(ie no browser buttons) I just can't incorporate the link into the autrefresh. Have a look:
Vpn Autorun forwarder
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
The page I want it to autorefresh to is index.html
Can anyone help?
Adam Oberdorfer posted this at 19:08 — 11th April 2001.
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Joined: Sep 2000
I think you'll need add an "onLoad" to you body tag and forget about the autorefresh.
Vy23 posted this at 00:54 — 12th April 2001.
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Can you please go into more detail? I am not too hot with javascript. Thanks
Vy23 posted this at 14:51 — 13th April 2001.
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any chance of getting a response to this please if anyone knows?
Adam Oberdorfer posted this at 21:04 — 13th April 2001.
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<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
function fullScreen(theURL) {, '', 'fullscreen=yes, scrollbars=auto');
<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000" onLoad="fullScreen('yourfile.html');">
Vy23 posted this at 13:44 — 16th April 2001.
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Thanks a lot Adam! That worked great!
Vy23 posted this at 13:58 — 16th April 2001.
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Joined: Apr 2001
Ok I just noticed. Even though this works perfect, it is opening the page as a new page and not closing the original page. This means that when I close the fullscreen windows (by using a script) I still get the original empty window in the background. Is there anyway of getting this to load the fullscreen in _parent or closing the original window down on onload?
Thanks again,
caislander posted this at 00:56 — 17th April 2001.
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I am not great with javascript either but I think if you add window.close() to the body tag like this that it shpould do what you want..
Hope That Helps
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Suzanne posted this at 01:09 — 18th April 2001.
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Which is a good thing because you mess with people's history and back button if you close the window.
However, the user will get a dialogue box asking if closing the window is okay. It is up to the user to determine whether the window will close or not.
This is why most sites using this concept have the "blank" page have the company name and contact information and a link to use if a window hasn't popped up or the user accidentally deleted it thinking it was an ad, rather than trying to close the window.
Adam Oberdorfer posted this at 01:12 — 18th April 2001.
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Full screen sites are also annoying unless you give them the option.
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