attempting to modify a javascript page to embed in a php page

They have: 461 posts

Joined: Jul 2003

note: fixed the text color
i'm having a few issues with it.

the html ones, if you'd like to see, are located at:
and the php version to access that is at:

the html version works fine but you'll notice the javascript isn't working when loaded via php.

i've also tried to add a test to see if the color is above 200/200/200 or 85/85/85 rgb (decimal and percent respectively) and all attempts caused the page to fail, so i put it back to how it was when it worked last.

i would like to have it use white text in the frames if it is below 200/200/200 ( or 85/85/85) and black otherwise (for visibility) i would also like to get ti so that i can create the page via the php script so that if changes are made that would affect the control page, it will be done automatically when i edit the include file.

i do not know why it doesn't work with the php script, but i do not believe the issue is php, i believe both of these have to do with javascript.

the phpscript: (modified so as to not cause horizontal scrolling)

$_GET['fn']=='control'){ // create the control page
bgnpg('Font Color Hex-Code Finder Control Panel');
    echo <<<END
    start of for color table that will be used to control the colors of the other pages
    use a table inside the form to position the options neater.
    take out the border/cell padding since those are unecesary.
    <form name=\"colortable\">
        <!-- first the space to write in the values -->
          <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\">
            <font face=\"andy\">
              <font color=\"red\"> Red: <input type=\"text\" name=\"red\" width=\"5\"></font>
              <font color=\"green\"> Green: <input type=\"text\" name=\"green\" width=\"5\">
            <font face=\"andy\">
              <font color=\"blue\"> Blue: <input type=\"text\" name=\"blue\" width=\"5\"></font>
          <td align=\"left\">
            <!-- then tell what form they were written in -->
            <select name=\"hdp\">
              <option value=\"dec\">Decimal</option>
              <option value=\"per\">Percent</option>
          <td align=\"right\">
            <!-- then collect the information -->
            <input type=\"button\" onClick=\"findcolor()\" value=\"show me!\" >
    <!-- instructions on use -->
      <font face=\"andy\">
        to use this page, select either \"Decimal\" or \"Percent\". Then type the RGB
values you desire to see.
        <br />for Decimal, acceptable values are 0 through 255 inclusive.
        <br />for Percent, acceptable values are 0 through 100 inclusive.
        <br />Note: leading 0 not always shown for each group (RGB)
    <!-- use java script to find out what was entered and handle it -->
    &lt;script language=\"javascript\"&gt;
      function findcolor(){ // find the colors
      /* find out what was entered */
      var hdp=(parent.cntrl.document.colortable.hdp.value);
      var red=( *1);
      var gre=( *1);
      var blu=( *1);
      /* check for type & validity, then call the write function */
        /* make sure it is between 000 and 255 */
        if((red<0)||(red>255)){ // make sure the red value is valid
          alert(\"the value for Red is not legal, it must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.\")
        }else if((gre<0)||(gre>255)){ // make sure the red value is valid
          alert(\"the value for Green is not legal, it must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.\")
        }else if((blu<0)||(blu>255)){ // make sure the red value is valid
          alert(\"the value for Blue is not legal, it must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.\")
        }else { // if it's all legal then write it
          writecolor(\"dec\", red, gre, blu);
      }else{ // if not decimal, it must be percent.
        /* make sure it is between 0 and 100 inclusive */
        if((red<0)||(red>100)){ // make sure the red value is valid
          alert(\"the value for Red is not legal, it must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.\")
        }else if((gre<0)||(gre>100)){ // make sure the red value is valid
          alert(\"the value for Green is not legal, it must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.\")
          else if((blu<0)||(blu>100)){ // make sure the red value is valid
            alert(\"the value for Blue is not legal, it must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.\")
          else {  // if it's all legal then write it
            writecolor(\"per\", red, gre, blu);
        function writecolor(type, r, g, b){ // makes sure everything is in hex,
then send it to be written
            writeframe(r, g, b);
            writeframe(r, g, b);
          function writeframe(r, g, b){ // write to the frames;
; // write red
          parent.b1.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#\"+r+\"0000> \n Color=#\"+r+\"0000
\n </body></html>\");
; // write yellow
          parent.b2.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#\"+r+g+\"00> \n Color=#\"+r+g+\"00
\n </body></html>\");
; // write green
          parent.b3.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#00\"+g+\"00> \n Color=#00\"+g+\"00
\n </body></html>\");
; // write full color
          parent.c.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#\"+r+g+b+\"> \n Color=#\"+r+g+b+
\" \n </body></html>\");
; // write magenta
          parent.d1.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#\"+r+\"00\"+b+\"> \n Color=#\"+r+
\"00\"+b+\" \n </body></html>\");
; // write blue
          parent.d2.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#0000\"+b+\"> \n Color=#0000\"+b+
\" \n </body></html>\");
; // write cyan
          parent.d3.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#00\"+g+b+\"> \n Color=#00\"+g+b+
\" \n </body></html>\");
      function perhex(num){ // convert percent to hexidecimal
        /* convert to decimal, call dechex. (theory--> x/100=y/255-->255x=100y
-->255x/100=y) */
        return (fhex(dechex(Math.round((255*num)/100))));
      function dechex(num){ // convert decimal to hexidecimal
        var hex;
        return (num.toString(16));
      function vhex(num){ // is the hex number valid?
        if(!fhex(num)!=\"false\") return true;
        else return false;
      function fhex(num){ // makes sure hexidecimal number is valid
        if((num.length<1)||(num.length>2)) return \"false\" // is it too large or empty?
          else{ // it is the right length, check the charachters.
            /* take the first character and check validity */
               /* is there a second character? */
                 num=\"0\"+num; // no, so add leading zero
                 return num; // return the number
               }else{ // yes, check for validty
                      return num;
                 }else return \"false\";
            }else return \"false\";

bgnfm('Font Color Hex-Code Finder');
  echo <<<END
  <frameset rows=\"55%,15%,15%,15%\">
    <!-- allow scrolling incase the user has text set to a size that will require it -->
    <frame scrolling=\"auto\" noresize=\"no\" name=\"cntrl\" src=\"
    <!-- create columns for the \"triangle\" -->
    <frameset cols=\"25%,50%,25%\">
      <!-- create subframes -->
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"b1\" src=\"r.html\"></frame>
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"b2\" src=\"y.html\"></frame>
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"b3\" src=\"g.html\"></frame>
    <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"c\" src=\"rgb.html\"></frame>
    <!-- create columns for the \"triangle\" -->
    <frameset cols=\"38%,24%,38%\">
      <!-- create subframes -->
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"d1\" src=\"m.html\"></frame>
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"d2\" src=\"b.html\"></frame>
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"d3\" src=\"c.html\"></frame>
    <!-- message to frame incapable browsers -->
      <p>You need a frames-capable browser. I suggest Mozilla (1.3.1 or greater)
since this site was tested with it. Microsoft Internet Explorer been announced
\"End-Of-Life\" and will not be upgraded after 6.0. While it is currently capable of
handling nearly everything out there, it is only a matter of time till it no longer
displays pages properly.</p>

POSIX. because a stable os that doesn't have memory leaks and isn't buggy is always good.

Suzanne's picture

She has: 5,507 posts

Joined: Feb 2000


This isn't a problem with the JavaScript, it's a problem with your PHP again.

They have: 461 posts

Joined: Jul 2003

are you sure about that?
i know i have it like that in various other files where the javascript and such work, so i checked on php's website....

Quote: echo <<

POSIX. because a stable os that doesn't have memory leaks and isn't buggy is always good.

Suzanne's picture

She has: 5,507 posts

Joined: Feb 2000

K, what aren't you getting?

NO EXTRA WHITESPACE... You have spaces all over the place in the here document syntax.

Suzanne's picture

She has: 5,507 posts

Joined: Feb 2000


include( '/home/joshua/includes/fyd.incs.php' );
$_GET ['fn' ])){
$_GET ['fn' ]== 'control' ){ // create the control page
bgnpg ('Font Color Hex-Code Finder Control Panel' );
start of for color table that will be used to control the colors of the other pages
a table inside the form to position the options neater.
take out the border/cell padding since those are unecesary.
form name=\"colortable\">
        <!-- first the space to write in the values -->
          <td colspan=\"3\" align=\"center\">
            <font face=\"andy\">
              <font color=\"red\"> Red: <input type=\"text\" name=\"red\" width=\"5\"></font>
              <font color=\"green\"> Green: <input type=\"text\" name=\"green\" width=\"5\">
            <font face=\"andy\">
              <font color=\"blue\"> Blue: <input type=\"text\" name=\"blue\" width=\"5\"></font>
          <td align=\"left\">
            <!-- then tell what form they were written in -->
            <select name=\"hdp\">
              <option value=\"dec\">Decimal</option>
              <option value=\"per\">Percent</option>
          <td align=\"right\">
            <!-- then collect the information -->
            <input type=\"button\" onClick=\"findcolor()\" value=\"show me!\" >
    <!-- instructions on use -->
      <font face=\"andy\">
        to use this page, select either \"Decimal\" or \"Percent\". Then type the RGB
values you desire to see.
        <br />for Decimal, acceptable values are 0 through 255 inclusive.
        <br />for Percent, acceptable values are 0 through 100 inclusive.
        <br />Note: leading 0 not always shown for each group (RGB)
    <!-- use java script to find out what was entered and handle it -->
    &lt;script language=\"javascript\"&gt;
      function findcolor() {// find the colors
      /* find out what was entered */
      var hdp=(parent.cntrl.document.colortable.hdp.value);
      var red=( *1);
      var gre=( *1);
      var blu=( *1);
      /* check for type & validity, then call the write function */
      if(hdp==\"dec\") {
        /* make sure it is between 000 and 255 */
        if((red<0)||(red>255)) {// make sure the red value is valid
          alert(\"the value for Red is not legal, it must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.\")
         }else if((gre<0)||(gre>255)) {// make sure the red value is valid
          alert(\"the value for Green is not legal, it must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.\")
         }else if((blu<0)||(blu>255)) {// make sure the red value is valid
          alert(\"the value for Blue is not legal, it must be between 0 and 255 inclusive.\")
         }else {// if it's all legal then write it
          writecolor(\"dec\", red, gre, blu);
       }else {// if not decimal, it must be percent.
        /* make sure it is between 0 and 100 inclusive */
        if((red<0)||(red>100)) {// make sure the red value is valid
          alert(\"the value for Red is not legal, it must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.\")
         }else if((gre<0)||(gre>100)) {// make sure the red value is valid
          alert(\"the value for Green is not legal, it must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.\")
          else if((blu<0)||(blu>100)) {// make sure the red value is valid
            alert(\"the value for Blue is not legal, it must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.\")
          else {  // if it's all legal then write it
            writecolor(\"per\", red, gre, blu);
        function writecolor(type, r, g, b) {// makes sure everything is in hex,
then send it to be written
          if(type==\"dec\") {
            writeframe(r, g, b);
           }else {
            writeframe(r, g, b);
          function writeframe(r, g, b) {// write to the frames;
; // write red
          parent.b1.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#\"+r+\"0000> \n Color=#\"+r+\"0000
\n </body></html>\");
; // write yellow
          parent.b2.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#\"+r+g+\"00> \n Color=#\"+r+g+\"00
\n </body></html>\");
; // write green
          parent.b3.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#00\"+g+\"00> \n Color=#00\"+g+\"00
\n </body></html>\");
; // write full color
          parent.c.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#\"+r+g+b+\"> \n Color=#\"+r+g+b+
\"\n </body></html>\");
; // write magenta
          parent.d1.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#\"+r+\"00\"+b+\"> \n Color=#\"+r+
\"00\"+b+\" \n </body></html>\");
; // write blue
          parent.d2.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#0000\"+b+\"> \n Color=#0000\"+b+
\"\n </body></html>\");
; // write cyan
          parent.d3.document.write(\"<html><body bgcolor=#00\"+g+b+\"> \n Color=#00\"+g+b+
\"\n </body></html>\");
      function perhex(num) {// convert percent to hexidecimal
        /* convert to decimal, call dechex. (theory--> x/100=y/255-->255x=100y
-->255x/100=y) */
        return (fhex(dechex(Math.round((255*num)/100))));
      function dechex(num) {// convert decimal to hexidecimal
        var hex;
        return (num.toString(16));
      function vhex(num) {// is the hex number valid?
        if(!fhex(num)!=\"false\") return true;
        else return false;
      function fhex(num) {// makes sure hexidecimal number is valid
        if((num.length<1)||(num.length>2)) return \"false\" // is it too large or empty?
          else {// it is the right length, check the charachters.
            /* take the first character and check validity */
               (num.charAt(0)==\"F\")) {
               /* is there a second character? */
               if(num.length==1) {
                 num=\"0\"+num; // no, so add leading zero
                 return num; // return the number
                }else {// yes, check for validty
                    (num.charAt(1)==\"F\")) {
                      return num;
                  }else return \"false\";
             }else return \"false\";

clspg ();
   bgnfm ('Font Color Hex-Code Finder' );
  <frameset rows=\"55%,15%,15%,15%\">
    <!-- allow scrolling incase the user has text set to a size that will require it -->
    <frame scrolling=\"auto\" noresize=\"no\" name=\"cntrl\" src=\"
$_SERVER [PHP_SELF ]?fn=control\">
    <!-- create columns for the \"triangle\" -->
    <frameset cols=\"25%,50%,25%\">
      <!-- create subframes -->
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"b1\" src=\"r.html\"></frame>
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"b2\" src=\"y.html\"></frame>
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"b3\" src=\"g.html\"></frame>
    <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"c\" src=\"rgb.html\"></frame>
    <!-- create columns for the \"triangle\" -->
    <frameset cols=\"38%,24%,38%\">
      <!-- create subframes -->
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"d1\" src=\"m.html\"></frame>
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"d2\" src=\"b.html\"></frame>
      <frame scrolling=\"no\" noresize=\"yes\" name=\"d3\" src=\"c.html\"></frame>
    <!-- message to frame incapable browsers -->
      <p>You need a frames-capable browser. I suggest Mozilla (1.3.1 or greater)
since this site was tested with it. Microsoft Internet Explorer been announced
\"End-Of-Life\" and will not be upgraded after 6.0. While it is currently capable of
handling nearly everything out there, it is only a matter of time till it no longer
displays pages properly.</p>


They have: 461 posts

Joined: Jul 2003

Quote: Originally posted by Suzanne
K, what aren't you getting?

NO EXTRA WHITESPACE... You have spaces all over the place in the here document syntax.

that there's NOTHING with the END; line aside form that. i tried taking off the space between echo and <<

POSIX. because a stable os that doesn't have memory leaks and isn't buggy is always good.

Suzanne's picture

She has: 5,507 posts

Joined: Feb 2000

There were spaces after the semi-colon on each END; line. The echo<<

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