2 I-Frames inside one frame

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Joined: Sep 2001

I have a site with 3 frames, one of which has 2 I-Frames in it,

What I want to do,
is when one frame is loaded, it automatically loads a page into the second frame, this will only be done twice, if anyone can help me please reply,
site is urgle.co.uk the middle section has the two iframes


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Suzanne's picture

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I totally don't get what you're asking, but with Iframes or frames, the only trick is targeting it properly, making sure you have each frame or Iframe named uniquely, and all your hyperlinks should target a specific frame, unless an outside link, then it should target _blank or _top to break out of your frames.

Smiling Suzanne

Vincent Puglia's picture

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Hi zendy2k,

guess i'm somewhat confused also, since you already have the 2 iframe sources going (main & extra). Do you mean you want main.html to load something into the iframe where extra.html is?


Where the world once stood
the blades of grass cut me still

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Hi Vincent,
Yes, when a member logs in, it shows the members page, what I want is when a user logs in, it shows the members page but then loads extra1.html into the frame name"extra"

I thought maybe the refresh tag would work only u cant tell it where to load the new page, eg a different frame.

Urgle - Webmaster Portal
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Vincent Puglia's picture

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try the following (in the members.html file):


They have: 10 posts

Joined: Sep 2001

Vincent, All Sorted,

Thanks for your help
check it out urgle.co.uk
click on Member

Thanks Again

Vincent Puglia's picture

They have: 634 posts

Joined: Dec 1999

Hi zeedy2k,

you're welcome
love that onLoad location.href Laughing out loud
glad you got it running


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