I always use IE but I design for W3C compliant browsers and fix sites up with ie hacks afterwards. Microsoft do my head in by refusing to follow W3c Specs. It just makes developers life so much harder lol.
For browsing tho have to say I always use IE. I am well aware of the security risks and I turn them to the wind. Every browser has security risks, altough IE is a little different in that it is built into the core shell of windows.
I like Firefox with the web developer extension/toolbar, enables you to validate html, css online and offline, turn css on and off, outline block level elements, tables, turn everything on and off, zoom in and out, small screen rendering ... also the colour picker is great.
I went from IE to Opera, but Firefox is for me
I use IE for my primary page building, and also as my web-browser. Firefox, is my check to see if everything is working browser.
I don't use anybodies web developing tools, mine are Coffee Cup, and Top Style Pro 3. I find by using IE as my primary browser when working on pages, I have less problems. I can then check it with FireFox, and make the fine adjustments I need. Usually margins, and spaces to accommodate both, since each browser has a little different view on these.
To be truthful Opera has given me more problems then either IE, or FireFox. I still have a little glitch on my site viewed in Opera, but it amounts to nothing more than an aggravation to me. I would have to point it out before most would notice it.
Personally, I prefer Firefox. It just seems to render websites more accurately than IE, plus it has some great extensions. I use IEView all the time to double check sites I design in IE, and I use the webmaster toolbar a lot.
BillyBob wrote: It has to be FireFox. Doesnt it?....
No, it doesn't. It just has to be spec-compliant.
Supporting Firefox alone as the alternative to IE isn't a good idea. You'll find many users prefer browsers such as Opera, Safari, Konqueror, Dillo, Lynx/Links and variants, and several others.
I use Konqueror and links2 at present.
etech-peter posted this at 15:39 — 31st July 2006.
timjpriebe wrote: Personally, I prefer Firefox. It just seems to render websites more accurately than IE, plus it has some great extensions. I use IEView all the time to double check sites I design in IE, and I use the webmaster toolbar a lot.
I have to agree here and would also like to add... From a developer stand point the FF Javascript debugger has saved me a TON of time.
Between Firefox or IE, currently Firefox. I don't love Firefox though, I find the interface to be less than intuitive, I hate the default skin, and I prefer having the functionality I need built in rather than as add-ons.
For those reasons, my main browser is Opera. It comes with so many features built in (no downloading extensions), it's standards compliant, and it's got a good user interface (in my opinion!). Here is a thread with some info about what's great about Opera:
I wouldn't say that any browser is "better" than another - it just depends on what you want it to do. If you want's something really basic that works, then IE would be fine. If you want to be able to customize with special functionality, Firefox is good. If you want a lot of features built in, Opera is great (a lot of the stuff that you would need an extension for in Firefox is built in in Opera). You can get add-ons for Opera too, like a web developer toolbar. If you use a mac, Safari is really good etc. etc.
I use Firefox and have for over a year now. I like it a lot better than IE. I did download the IE 7 Beta earlier this year, but it kept crashing on me. I just downloaded the newest beta yesterday, but I haven't played with it yet, so we'll see!
Firefox, but not because they do anything better than IE. They do, but that's not the point. Firefox has built up such a fan base and numbr of people willing to create skins and extensions for it that the support is just so much better. Problem in IE? Go to Microsoft. Problem in Firefox? Go a lot more places and find at least the same level of help.
waffles Radio Coming to a set of speakers near you September 2006
red_devil52 posted this at 12:22 — 6th August 2006.
I was a hardcore IE user until I discovered Firefox. It's so much easier to use and Tabbed Browsing is the best thing for internet browsing since the development of the internet itself
mandyjb posted this at 23:52 — 1st September 2006.
I use both, IE for website and FF for security reasons. FF has more security but when viewing my website in FF it doesn't seem to support some javascripts and colours I have used. I have been eliminating some of my JS so that my website is compatible with both.
I think that this:
"which is better? Firefox or IE?"
is NOT a real Question.
IE is actually not a real browser for me.
The real question can only be:
"which is better? Firefox or Opera?"
For this the answer would be like this:
1. Firefox for strange and bizzare wishes that can be fullfilled by extensions and for IE compatibility;
2. Opera for speed and for ease of use for beginners;
In case those issues are not the critical determining factor, than either Opera or FireFox can be used.
Abhishek Reddy posted this at 16:02 — 11th October 2006.
Cratima;208457 wrote: 2. Opera for speed and for ease of use for beginners;
Whilst Opera may be the best for beginners, it's worth noting that it's also very good for advanced users, developers and so on. I don't think you implied that it's only for beginners, but I'll point this out anyway.
Mark Hensler posted this at 15:44 — 11th October 2006.
As an advanced user I totally love Opera. It lets me customize everything, and has so many built-in features that I barely wish for extensions You can even add on your own custom toolbars and menus (which allows you to create a web developer toolbar and other such enhancements).
I'm glad cratima noted ease of use for beginners though - I never really thought of Opera as a good browser for beginners to be honest. I thought of it more of a power user's tool.
i prefer firefox due to the extensive plugins that are available, extensions, security and themes. Regular updated, run by people with a passion for the web.
I do use everysingle browser out there though, on both pc and mac to check how things turn out.
You want a definition of an word. How do you do that with IE? Open dictionary.com. With FireFox? Install an extension. With Opera. Right-click. Now that's simple.
How to save all tabs being opened? FF - install tab mix plus. Opera - automatic. IE? Haha. "What's that?" IE asks.
Mouse gestures? Extensions vs. Just enable it. I think IE is hiding when asked this question.
Autofill - 3 different extensions (including the Google toolbar) vs. integrated in Opera. IE has Google Toolbar for that.
There are just a lot of things that a user should serach for and install for itself if it uses FireFox. With Opera they are all there! No install required. A right click, an "Enable" option, a walk through the "Preferences" will solve most of the issues.
Sure, there are some things (mostly weird) that Opera can't do. For that is FireFox. But for the ease of use (and these are the beginners!) - go Opera. Right-click and you're done!
JeevesBond posted this at 18:08 — 12th October 2006.
Thanks for pointing that out Cratima! I couldn't have put it better myself. Also Opera runs on everything, on phones, PDAs, Windows, am using under Linux to type this, Mac etc.
Anyway, Firefox Vs. IE is a bit of a daft question. IE hasn't been updated for five years, now MS are updating it they're only doing it because they've been forced to. The updates they have done are basic CSS (that should have worked correctly in the first place), and have stolen some ideas from all the other browsers.
Firefox is certainly better in almost every respect to IE. Unfortunately MS have an unfair and illegal (proven by the US DOJ) advantage from bundling their product with Windows. Let's hope the European Commission destroy their monopoly. George W's regime certainly won't.
The only thing I don't understand is why the EC doesn't stop Microsoft from shipping IE with Windows.
JeevesBond;208549 wrote: The only thing I don't understand is why the EC doesn't stop Microsoft from shipping IE with Windows.
Because if they did half the people who bought a new computer would be pissed that they didn't have a pre-installed browser that "works"
Firefox is my browser of choice... although I have to say I am disappointed that some of the extension developers haven't updated their extensions to work on FF 2.0 yet, Mix Tab Plus being one of them. I am lazy and I want to be able to just hover over my tabs and have them change focus!!!
I tried Opera and never did "get it" really. I liked it more or less but found that I liked the extensions that were offered for FF better.
For instance I run FoxyTunes to run WinAmp and I like it. Opera doesn't have that. Also I like the sleek look of the Noia Extreme skin for FF as opposed to the blocky Opera themes. I also really really like the way FF handles the bookmarks way better than any other browser.
I do have to say that I was quite disappointed in IE 7!!! I had yet to try any of the RC's (I run Windows Server 2003 EE as my OS and could not install it until recently) It is UGLY and very unintuitive!!!
I have used firefox for a long time now, mainly as an alternative to IE due to IE's security problems (although I think they have come a long way since the bad days). Its good because you dload the 'bare' software and users can add on their individual plugin/module requirements.
As for security, as firefox becomes more popular and has somewhere near the same amount of users as IE it will become as vulnerable to attacks as IE.
I use Vista at the moment and have to say the new tabbed IE is pretty good (even if copied from our open source friends)
timjpriebe posted this at 12:35 — 17th October 2006.
I prefer FX but it also needs some improvements like one extension should not interfere with workings of other extension and it should not shut after an error without giving any chance to save something ...
definitely FF at the moment, but then we're comparing a 6 year old dinosaur with a newcomer.
FF definitely has a large base of extension developers and is also at the forefront of the open-source movement.
blythespirit posted this at 00:00 — 20th October 2006.
I've been a Firefox convert for a while now. I know that any browser has security loopholes - but I like the number of extensions available for Firefox as it makes it easier for me to block known ads and javascript on sites I'm not familiar with and with one click unblock them either temporarily or permanently. It does mean that anyone using my computer to surf the Internet needs a tutorial session beforehand, but I haven't had a major security issue with Firefox in the couple of years since I started using it. The last time I actually allowed IE to connect to the internet I ended up with my browser hijacked within a few minutes - which was discouraging (especially as it's not like I'm going to porn sites or crack sites - all it took was following one link to a clipart site for it to happen.)
PopeCuervoLime posted this at 16:46 — 25th October 2006.
FireFox is alright but I think the honeymoon period is over and hackers are starting to put a bull's eye on it now. It's kind of hard to tell how long FireFox's reputed security strengths will last.
I keep IE 7 around to test sites because 89% of the populace still uses the damn thing.
As for which one is the fastest browser I can only ask one question: in the world of high-speed broadband, who cares? No one I know uses dial-up anymore, for whom which faster browser times might be important. Sometimes FireFox loads quicker, sometimes it's Opera; it's like Coke and Pepsi, almost tastes the same to me.
I just came across this really funny old thread: IE or NS? What do you use? from February/March of 2000! (I'm quite proud that I was already talking about using Mozilla at that time )
Oh, and here's one from when I first started using opera (November, 2001!). Awwwww! Better thank Parker for recommending it next time I see him around.
FIREFOX is the best! Second is Google Chrome! And now, Firefox 3.5 is coming so soon! And Mozilla claims that it's the fastest firefox ever! For more info, visit: http://xrl.in/2eug
victorsmith posted this at 07:13 — 23rd June 2009.
Firefox is much simpler – but quite possibly too much so. JavaScript, for example, can be enabled or disabled (along with setting a half dozen or so JavaScript capabilities) for all or no sites. It’s nice that turning off dangerous features like this can be quickly turned on and off. It’s so simple that anyone could (and should!) experiment with it. But I want a little bit more flexibility than this.
Elander posted this at 08:11 — 15th December 2010.
As from the first I prefer the Firefox and the thing is that I want to say you that there are many other browsers, but all of them use the built-in drive to provide cried, with the exception of Opera Mini. I like tis all of the features that much and the more thing is that I like its add-ods features that much.
ebolamonkey3 posted this at 13:54 — 3rd January 2011.
I have used Firefox for long time.I like this browser because this is used for web developer extension,turn everything on and off and also used to validate html or css. But also we need to support IE.
toddgaraham posted this at 07:19 — 11th January 2011.
Firefox of course, lighter. More Advanced, supports many great plug-ins. Even though latest beta version has some bugs but still it is waaaay better than IE.
I am using firefox from one and half year. I really like to work on it. It is really easy to use and all the provided add ons is nice as well as good for minimize work. I really like all the add on of it.
lisaroy1 posted this at 06:11 — 28th January 2011.
Firefox is fine to beat IE. Simple interface, and safe and sound mechanism for privacy are good reasons for me to choose Mozilla's brower, although there are still many functions awaiting for improvement and invention. Changing themes is another sparkling point for choice.
That's depend own choice which browser you select. I think most of people prefer firefox then IE, and comfort with firefox browser.Me also used firfox browser..!
alexclark posted this at 10:48 — 17th February 2011.
Fire fox is better then IE. Fire fox did not contain any problem but IE get problem every time in my computer and it will did not giving the speed. Fire fox provide nice speed and security on Internet and also in downloading.
Firefox and just only Firefox Speed of this browser is also very good than IE. Also Add-on is plays good roll to increase Firefox on top, But simply it's my favorite all the time.
lvlncforeman posted this at 09:17 — 22nd March 2011.
For me Mozilla is better. Its has a lot of add on and plug ins freely available. Which make it more user friendly than IE. Also its much faster than IE.
Firefox is better then internet explore. Mainly i use Firefox for seo work, mainly because Firefox have good seo related tool bars and plugin which can easily be installed and remove.
samual james posted this at 11:26 — 25th May 2011.
previously i am using internet explorer but it has so may bugs and its speed is too slow that why i moved to Mozilla Firefox. firefox is good browser as compare to internet explorer and main plus point of using Mozilla Firefox is its add-ons.
maintainie posted this at 03:36 — 24th August 2011.
IE is the browser that comes with the system, such as travel and so many browsers are using the IE kernel, IE error, resulting in not online, other times the IE core browser can not access the Internet. And Firefox has its own kernel, and many viruses are only for IE browser, the Firefox less! After problems with IE, Firefox can still access the Internet.
I feel that both browsers have their characteristics, have the advantage, two are better.
jantanik posted this at 09:53 — 15th September 2011.
Hello friends
In present there are number of web browsers available in the market. I am using mozilla firefox because it provides more security and high processing speed than other web browsers.
foxmetrics posted this at 09:52 — 13th December 2011.
There are many web browsers on internet like, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera etc, i have tried all but according to me Mozilla Firefox is the best choice among all because it is much faster and better than all browsers.
The firefox browser is best one. It is also have a lot of addons used in development and search engine optimisation. There are many tools to audit any website.
Content Writer posted this at 07:00 — 2nd February 2012.
Firefox is better than IE because Mozilla browser is always faster than IE. if we use IE it takes too much time for surfing but in mozilla it does not take too much time to load the heavy site also
IE is sucks, choose Google Chromium - fast and reliable browser
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Neutron2k posted this at 10:28 — 14th June 2006.
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I always use IE but I design for W3C compliant browsers and fix sites up with ie hacks afterwards. Microsoft do my head in by refusing to follow W3c Specs. It just makes developers life so much harder lol.
For browsing tho have to say I always use IE. I am well aware of the security risks and I turn them to the wind. Every browser has security risks, altough IE is a little different in that it is built into the core shell of windows.
subashini posted this at 11:33 — 29th April 2011.
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i prefer Mozilla actually it is better than the IE because i am using it IE is not sufficient to me
froz posted this at 12:00 — 6th February 2012.
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Firefox is much better and faster than IE..
Busy posted this at 10:48 — 14th June 2006.
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I like Firefox with the web developer extension/toolbar, enables you to validate html, css online and offline, turn css on and off, outline block level elements, tables, turn everything on and off, zoom in and out, small screen rendering ... also the colour picker is great.
I went from IE to Opera, but Firefox is for me
demonhale posted this at 00:38 — 15th June 2006.
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Firefox definitely... but we need to support IE in terms of making a site, since the population of IE users is still significant...
steve40 posted this at 16:07 — 15th June 2006.
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I use IE for my primary page building, and also as my web-browser. Firefox, is my check to see if everything is working browser.
I don't use anybodies web developing tools, mine are Coffee Cup, and Top Style Pro 3. I find by using IE as my primary browser when working on pages, I have less problems. I can then check it with FireFox, and make the fine adjustments I need. Usually margins, and spaces to accommodate both, since each browser has a little different view on these.
To be truthful Opera has given me more problems then either IE, or FireFox. I still have a little glitch on my site viewed in Opera, but it amounts to nothing more than an aggravation to me. I would have to point it out before most would notice it.
timjpriebe posted this at 12:00 — 16th June 2006.
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Personally, I prefer Firefox. It just seems to render websites more accurately than IE, plus it has some great extensions. I use IEView all the time to double check sites I design in IE, and I use the webmaster toolbar a lot.
Serfaksan posted this at 04:21 — 19th June 2006.
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YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH FIREFOX RULES, it is a lot better, and I almost dont get any spyware now, IE..................no comments
BillyBob posted this at 15:19 — 30th July 2006.
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It has to be FireFox. Doesnt it?....
Abhishek Reddy posted this at 03:22 — 31st July 2006.
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No, it doesn't.
It just has to be spec-compliant.
Supporting Firefox alone as the alternative to IE isn't a good idea. You'll find many users prefer browsers such as Opera, Safari, Konqueror, Dillo, Lynx/Links and variants, and several others.
I use Konqueror and links2 at present.
etech-peter posted this at 15:39 — 31st July 2006.
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I prefer to use Firefox most of the time. Although at times I also use Opera.
phiber posted this at 14:22 — 5th August 2006.
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I have to agree here and would also like to add... From a developer stand point the FF Javascript debugger has saved me a TON of time.
andy206uk posted this at 23:01 — 30th July 2006.
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It depends where I am... at work I use Firefox, but I'm a Mac geek and the Mac version of Firefox is a bit off so I mostly just use Safari.
Megan posted this at 16:15 — 31st July 2006.
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Between Firefox or IE, currently Firefox. I don't love Firefox though, I find the interface to be less than intuitive, I hate the default skin, and I prefer having the functionality I need built in rather than as add-ons.
For those reasons, my main browser is Opera. It comes with so many features built in (no downloading extensions), it's standards compliant, and it's got a good user interface (in my opinion!). Here is a thread with some info about what's great about Opera:
http://www.webmaster-forums.net/showthread.php?t=34660&highlight=Opera (scroll down to my second post, and read the one by JeevesBond further down)
I wouldn't say that any browser is "better" than another - it just depends on what you want it to do. If you want's something really basic that works, then IE would be fine. If you want to be able to customize with special functionality, Firefox is good. If you want a lot of features built in, Opera is great (a lot of the stuff that you would need an extension for in Firefox is built in in Opera). You can get add-ons for Opera too, like a web developer toolbar. If you use a mac, Safari is really good etc. etc.
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MYP posted this at 18:38 — 31st July 2006.
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I prefer firefox too... it has so much more than IE including extensions and tabs which make surfing a lot easier. I only use IE to test my sites.
DC_Sara posted this at 15:56 — 1st August 2006.
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I use Firefox and have for over a year now. I like it a lot better than IE. I did download the IE 7 Beta earlier this year, but it kept crashing on me. I just downloaded the newest beta yesterday, but I haven't played with it yet, so we'll see!
waffles posted this at 18:48 — 5th August 2006.
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Firefox, but not because they do anything better than IE. They do, but that's not the point. Firefox has built up such a fan base and numbr of people willing to create skins and extensions for it that the support is just so much better. Problem in IE? Go to Microsoft. Problem in Firefox? Go a lot more places and find at least the same level of help.
waffles Radio Coming to a set of speakers near you September 2006
red_devil52 posted this at 12:22 — 6th August 2006.
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I was a hardcore IE user until I discovered Firefox. It's so much easier to use and Tabbed Browsing is the best thing for internet browsing since the development of the internet itself
mandyjb posted this at 23:52 — 1st September 2006.
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I use both, IE for website and FF for security reasons. FF has more security but when viewing my website in FF it doesn't seem to support some javascripts and colours I have used. I have been eliminating some of my JS so that my website is compatible with both.
Cratima posted this at 11:04 — 11th October 2006.
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I think that this:
"which is better? Firefox or IE?"
is NOT a real Question.
IE is actually not a real browser for me.
The real question can only be:
"which is better? Firefox or Opera?"
For this the answer would be like this:
1. Firefox for strange and bizzare wishes that can be fullfilled by extensions and for IE compatibility;
2. Opera for speed and for ease of use for beginners;
In case those issues are not the critical determining factor, than either Opera or FireFox can be used.
Abhishek Reddy posted this at 16:02 — 11th October 2006.
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Whilst Opera may be the best for beginners, it's worth noting that it's also very good for advanced users, developers and so on. I don't think you implied that it's only for beginners, but I'll point this out anyway.
Mark Hensler posted this at 15:44 — 11th October 2006.
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Megan posted this at 16:28 — 11th October 2006.
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Browser vulnerabilities comparison chart
As an advanced user I totally love Opera. It lets me customize everything, and has so many built-in features that I barely wish for extensions
You can even add on your own custom toolbars and menus (which allows you to create a web developer toolbar and other such enhancements).
I'm glad cratima noted ease of use for beginners though - I never really thought of Opera as a good browser for beginners to be honest. I thought of it more of a power user's tool.
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italianninja posted this at 18:21 — 11th October 2006.
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i prefer firefox due to the extensive plugins that are available, extensions, security and themes. Regular updated, run by people with a passion for the web.
I do use everysingle browser out there though, on both pc and mac to check how things turn out.
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Cratima posted this at 07:11 — 12th October 2006.
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Why is Opera for beginners?
You want a definition of an word. How do you do that with IE? Open dictionary.com. With FireFox? Install an extension. With Opera. Right-click. Now that's simple.
How to save all tabs being opened? FF - install tab mix plus. Opera - automatic. IE? Haha. "What's that?" IE asks.
Mouse gestures? Extensions vs. Just enable it. I think IE is hiding when asked this question.
Autofill - 3 different extensions (including the Google toolbar) vs. integrated in Opera. IE has Google Toolbar for that.
There are just a lot of things that a user should serach for and install for itself if it uses FireFox. With Opera they are all there! No install required. A right click, an "Enable" option, a walk through the "Preferences" will solve most of the issues.
Sure, there are some things (mostly weird) that Opera can't do. For that is FireFox. But for the ease of use (and these are the beginners!) - go Opera. Right-click and you're done!
JeevesBond posted this at 18:08 — 12th October 2006.
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Thanks for pointing that out Cratima! I couldn't have put it better myself. Also Opera runs on everything, on phones, PDAs, Windows, am using under Linux to type this, Mac etc.
Anyway, Firefox Vs. IE is a bit of a daft question. IE hasn't been updated for five years, now MS are updating it they're only doing it because they've been forced to. The updates they have done are basic CSS (that should have worked correctly in the first place), and have stolen some ideas from all the other browsers.
Firefox is certainly better in almost every respect to IE. Unfortunately MS have an unfair and illegal (proven by the US DOJ) advantage from bundling their product with Windows. Let's hope the European Commission destroy their monopoly. George W's regime certainly won't.
The only thing I don't understand is why the EC doesn't stop Microsoft from shipping IE with Windows.
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DDoSAttack posted this at 20:42 — 26th October 2006.
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Because if they did half the people who bought a new computer would be pissed that they didn't have a pre-installed browser that "works"
Firefox is my browser of choice... although I have to say I am disappointed that some of the extension developers haven't updated their extensions to work on FF 2.0 yet, Mix Tab Plus being one of them. I am lazy and I want to be able to just hover over my tabs and have them change focus!!!
I tried Opera and never did "get it" really. I liked it more or less but found that I liked the extensions that were offered for FF better.
For instance I run FoxyTunes to run WinAmp and I like it. Opera doesn't have that. Also I like the sleek look of the Noia Extreme skin for FF as opposed to the blocky Opera themes. I also really really like the way FF handles the bookmarks way better than any other browser.
I do have to say that I was quite disappointed in IE 7!!! I had yet to try any of the RC's (I run Windows Server 2003 EE as my OS and could not install it until recently) It is UGLY and very unintuitive!!!
carle posted this at 19:34 — 12th October 2006.
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Opera is far the best.I really like the widgets(developing widgets is best thing for webmasters to prove their skills).
greg posted this at 00:29 — 15th October 2006.
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I have used firefox for a long time now, mainly as an alternative to IE due to IE's security problems (although I think they have come a long way since the bad days). Its good because you dload the 'bare' software and users can add on their individual plugin/module requirements.
As for security, as firefox becomes more popular and has somewhere near the same amount of users as IE it will become as vulnerable to attacks as IE.
I use Vista at the moment and have to say the new tabbed IE is pretty good (even if copied from our open source friends)
timjpriebe posted this at 12:35 — 17th October 2006.
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Well, that's my personal preference, anyway.
Mong posted this at 01:25 — 18th October 2006.
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I prefer FX but it also needs some improvements like one extension should not interfere with workings of other extension and it should not shut after an error without giving any chance to save something ...
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jbladeus posted this at 02:26 — 18th October 2006.
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definitely FF at the moment, but then we're comparing a 6 year old dinosaur with a newcomer.
FF definitely has a large base of extension developers and is also at the forefront of the open-source movement.
blythespirit posted this at 00:00 — 20th October 2006.
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I've been a Firefox convert for a while now. I know that any browser has security loopholes - but I like the number of extensions available for Firefox as it makes it easier for me to block known ads and javascript on sites I'm not familiar with and with one click unblock them either temporarily or permanently. It does mean that anyone using my computer to surf the Internet needs a tutorial session beforehand, but I haven't had a major security issue with Firefox in the couple of years since I started using it. The last time I actually allowed IE to connect to the internet I ended up with my browser hijacked within a few minutes - which was discouraging (especially as it's not like I'm going to porn sites or crack sites - all it took was following one link to a clipart site for it to happen.)
PopeCuervoLime posted this at 16:46 — 25th October 2006.
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FireFox is alright but I think the honeymoon period is over and hackers are starting to put a bull's eye on it now. It's kind of hard to tell how long FireFox's reputed security strengths will last.
I keep IE 7 around to test sites because 89% of the populace still uses the damn thing.
As for which one is the fastest browser I can only ask one question: in the world of high-speed broadband, who cares? No one I know uses dial-up anymore, for whom which faster browser times might be important. Sometimes FireFox loads quicker, sometimes it's Opera; it's like Coke and Pepsi, almost tastes the same to me.
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Megan posted this at 17:00 — 25th October 2006.
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Yeah, man
Renegade posted this at 19:53 — 25th October 2006.
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Sorry to be the grumpy old person here but, Opera is not one of the options
PopeCuervoLime posted this at 01:46 — 26th October 2006.
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I know.
lenaosterhagen posted this at 12:04 — 25th January 2012.
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But here the discusion is between IE and firefox not for opera.
Megan posted this at 19:56 — 25th October 2006.
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Megan posted this at 16:32 — 26th October 2006.
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I just came across this really funny old thread: IE or NS? What do you use? from February/March of 2000! (I'm quite proud that I was already talking about using Mozilla at that time
Another historical thread: Microsoft, the evil empire, from June 2001
Oh, and here's one from when I first started using opera (November, 2001!). Awwwww! Better thank Parker for recommending it next time I see him around.
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ultranet posted this at 08:40 — 5th November 2006.
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My browers.
Netscape to IE to Mozilla to Avant to ........ Green now..
however answer to ur questions...is mozilla that I support
andr2008 posted this at 12:20 — 6th June 2009.
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Firefox is the best. It is fast, secure and convenient is use. I'm using it for three years and don't havw any problems.
wazzupweb posted this at 13:08 — 6th June 2009.
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FIREFOX is the best! Second is Google Chrome! And now, Firefox 3.5 is coming so soon! And Mozilla claims that it's the fastest firefox ever! For more info, visit: http://xrl.in/2eug
victorsmith posted this at 07:13 — 23rd June 2009.
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IE 8 is much better then previous version but still firefox rocks...
safari 4 is also good and fast....
Firefox is much secure, convenient to use for all..
grungekid posted this at 06:25 — 29th November 2010.
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IN my opinion Firefox is better. Because it’s really fast more than IE. And also have more of add-ons better than other browser...
kimmelanson05 posted this at 07:56 — 9th December 2010.
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Why does Internet Explorer crash all the time? - 2.57 million results
Why does Firefox crash all the time? - 218,000 results
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edwardcrane07 posted this at 12:16 — 9th December 2010.
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Firefox is much simpler – but quite possibly too much so. JavaScript, for example, can be enabled or disabled (along with setting a half dozen or so JavaScript capabilities) for all or no sites. It’s nice that turning off dangerous features like this can be quickly turned on and off. It’s so simple that anyone could (and should!) experiment with it. But I want a little bit more flexibility than this.
Elander posted this at 08:11 — 15th December 2010.
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I prefer firefox over ie.
IntegratedS posted this at 12:19 — 15th December 2010.
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hey i would go for firefox..its the best one..
Adrienntom posted this at 10:05 — 17th December 2010.
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As from the first I prefer the Firefox and the thing is that I want to say you that there are many other browsers, but all of them use the built-in drive to provide cried, with the exception of Opera Mini. I like tis all of the features that much and the more thing is that I like its add-ods features that much.
ebolamonkey3 posted this at 13:54 — 3rd January 2011.
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Firefox killed IE, cust it is faster and less complicated.
SCarlisle posted this at 01:36 — 5th January 2011.
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I like Firefox but my CPU usage is high and I have to exit out and get back in every 90 minutes. That's a real pain.
jhonas posted this at 04:09 — 5th January 2011.
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I am using Firefox. Because its too fast than internet explorer.
jackson1 posted this at 05:49 — 11th January 2011.
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I have used Firefox for long time.I like this browser because this is used for web developer extension,turn everything on and off and also used to validate html or css. But also we need to support IE.
toddgaraham posted this at 07:19 — 11th January 2011.
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Firefox of course, lighter. More Advanced, supports many great plug-ins. Even though latest beta version has some bugs but still it is waaaay better than IE.
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prkrshawn posted this at 04:43 — 17th January 2011.
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I am using firefox from one and half year. I really like to work on it. It is really easy to use and all the provided add ons is nice as well as good for minimize work. I really like all the add on of it.
lisaroy1 posted this at 06:11 — 28th January 2011.
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For me Firefox is better than IE
samuelsun posted this at 00:08 — 29th January 2011.
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Firefox is best for professional work rather than IE.
szenovera posted this at 18:20 — 14th February 2011.
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Firefox is fine to beat IE. Simple interface, and safe and sound mechanism for privacy are good reasons for me to choose Mozilla's brower, although there are still many functions awaiting for improvement and invention. Changing themes is another sparkling point for choice.
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Allnsmth posted this at 06:26 — 17th February 2011.
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That's depend own choice which browser you select. I think most of people prefer firefox then IE, and comfort with firefox browser.Me also used firfox browser..!
alexclark posted this at 10:48 — 17th February 2011.
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I Prefer Mozilla Firefox. Because Its Better Than Internet Explore .
vaniliao posted this at 11:26 — 3rd March 2011.
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Fire fox is better then IE. Fire fox did not contain any problem but IE get problem every time in my computer and it will did not giving the speed. Fire fox provide nice speed and security on Internet and also in downloading.
peterdell posted this at 12:44 — 21st March 2011.
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Firefox and just only Firefox Speed of this browser is also very good than IE. Also Add-on is plays good roll to increase Firefox on top, But simply it's my favorite all the time.
lvlncforeman posted this at 09:17 — 22nd March 2011.
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From two I'd rather choose firefox. But guys you should try google chrome for you to see the difference.
alexclark posted this at 10:44 — 22nd March 2011.
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Mozila firefox is better then internet explore.
digitalguy posted this at 11:01 — 22nd March 2011.
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Firefox is better than the IE
raysonsmith posted this at 04:38 — 31st March 2011.
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For me Mozilla is better. Its has a lot of add on and plug ins freely available. Which make it more user friendly than IE. Also its much faster than IE.
pwsspartan posted this at 03:12 — 4th April 2011.
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Firefox is far better than IE.
willbritt posted this at 10:19 — 6th May 2011.
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i think the new version of Internet Explorer is better and improved...
privatelabel posted this at 12:37 — 23rd May 2011.
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I think Firefox is better and i love to use it.
addyj672 posted this at 07:55 — 24th May 2011.
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Firefox is better then internet explore. Mainly i use Firefox for seo work, mainly because Firefox have good seo related tool bars and plugin which can easily be installed and remove.
samual james posted this at 11:26 — 25th May 2011.
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previously i am using internet explorer but it has so may bugs and its speed is too slow that why i moved to Mozilla Firefox. firefox is good browser as compare to internet explorer and main plus point of using Mozilla Firefox is its add-ons.
maintainie posted this at 03:36 — 24th August 2011.
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IE is the browser that comes with the system, such as travel and so many browsers are using the IE kernel, IE error, resulting in not online, other times the IE core browser can not access the Internet. And Firefox has its own kernel, and many viruses are only for IE browser, the Firefox less! After problems with IE, Firefox can still access the Internet.
I feel that both browsers have their characteristics, have the advantage, two are better.
jantanik posted this at 09:53 — 15th September 2011.
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I think Firefox is much better than IE. I use Firefox.It has more features,good add-ons, and plug-ins.
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hboss posted this at 10:44 — 19th September 2011.
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I give first preference to Firefox always because its provide good features and better performance with compare to all other browsers.
Bizlibati posted this at 16:30 — 25th September 2011.
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I use Firefox. It is faster than IE.
tomastamm posted this at 14:46 — 10th October 2011.
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i prefer Mozilla
Asher ross posted this at 14:09 — 21st October 2011.
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Hi, Firefox works best becasue it supports different add-ons to complete any task easily.
Tofayel posted this at 16:06 — 21st October 2011.
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I like Firefox, it is really a smart browser and friendly for SEO people.
ailiyabetina posted this at 17:19 — 1st December 2011.
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Hello friends
In present there are number of web browsers available in the market. I am using mozilla firefox because it provides more security and high processing speed than other web browsers.
foxmetrics posted this at 09:52 — 13th December 2011.
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I like Firefox. I always use it. It has many add-ons .Which is very helpful in SEO such as no dofollow, pr viewer etc.
kitaro posted this at 00:37 — 23rd December 2011.
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If you ask me, I would choose Firefox because it is just so faster than IE.
tampahomes90 posted this at 06:42 — 23rd December 2011.
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I always use Firefox. It is better than IE. It provides many features such as pr viewer , dofollow viewer etc.
billykane1 posted this at 13:51 — 4th January 2012.
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There are many web browsers on internet like, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera etc, i have tried all but according to me Mozilla Firefox is the best choice among all because it is much faster and better than all browsers.
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luke right posted this at 12:46 — 19th January 2012.
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Firefox is the best browser. I always use this because it help to development hands.
perth posted this at 08:19 — 21st January 2012.
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lenaosterhagen posted this at 12:13 — 25th January 2012.
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The firefox browser is best one. It is also have a lot of addons used in development and search engine optimisation. There are many tools to audit any website.
Content Writer posted this at 07:00 — 2nd February 2012.
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Without any doubt Mozilla Firefox is the best of the best.
cristinsmith45 posted this at 07:33 — 2nd February 2012.
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i prefer Firefox than anything else. yet i have not face any problem.
froz posted this at 08:33 — 2nd February 2012.
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Firefox is better because it has good tab management while IE don't..
gracie posted this at 05:57 — 10th February 2012.
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Honestly, I am using Google Chrome and/or Safari. But, with the given choices I'd go for Mozilla. I find IE unfriendly and slow.
Highave posted this at 13:47 — 22nd February 2012.
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Firefox is better than IE because Mozilla browser is always faster than IE. if we use IE it takes too much time for surfing but in mozilla it does not take too much time to load the heavy site also
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T.B.M. posted this at 23:54 — 22nd February 2012.
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IE is sucks, choose Google Chromium - fast and reliable browser
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