Uninstalling Windows

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Joined: Feb 2002

aarghhhhhhhhh....i have done a search, and i cant find anything! i want to uninstall windows (on another computer) and install RedHat's Linux...how do i uninstall it? from inside linux, once i have it installed? or is there something i have to do before i install it? also, i want to partition the hard drive (not for 2 OS, for general purposes)...i heard you can do that inside RedHat...should i do it before or after i uninstall Windows and install Linux?

btw...its Win95
thanks for all your help!

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There might be a better way, but I usually format the harddrive (or a partition of it) before I install a new OS. Nothing beats getting a clean start.

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Joined: Feb 2002

alright...thanks....i finally found how to uninstall windows in the deep deep deep archives of the windows help files...thanks!

nike_guy_man's picture

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Why uninstall it?
Just delete the partition in fdisk and then create 2 new ones...
What version of RedHat are you installing?

Busy's picture

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here's a site that you might find useful

mairving's picture

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As has been mentioned, it really would be a waste of time to uninstall it. You can fdisk it, format c: or just tell RedHat to format the drive for you.

Mark Irving
I have a mind like a steel trap; it is rusty and illegal in 47 states

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