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Joined: Dec 2011

Hey is anyone know What is a modem? please tell me

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Joined: Feb 2012

Modem = MOdulation and DEModulation.

It is a device that convert data into something else like electromagnetic waves or electrical pulses.

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Joined: Apr 2011

Modem is an device which is been helpful for encoding of digital information which is been transmitted very easily by encoding.

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Joined: Jul 2012

MOdulation= digital to analog
DEModulation= analog to digital

jewishwedding's picture

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Joined: Jul 2012

Modem is an electronic device which turns the digital signals of a computer into particular frequencies to travel over telephone or cable TV connections. At where it's landing, the data will be received by another modem that is responsible in demodulating the frequencies to turn it back into digital data.

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