I was chosen to fix it, but I dont know how
Okay I need help. My sister called me tonight and asked me to help her with her computer. This is the problem. She can't open any applications to run them. She deleted some things off of the hard drive, but where the error is coming from, I can't seem to figure out how it got deleted. Windows is looking for a certain file, and it said to edit the win.ini. I would honestly hate to have to reformat and reinstall windows for her. My windows disc is completely different from what she has...
This is what I found as an error that keeps popping up.
Windows can not find
Edit the win.ini file and remove hpfsched
then it came up with windows can't find
No programs will install, and the only thing that will open is My Computer and File manager thats it!
The Windows CD that I have when you insert it and reboot (on my computer) It'll ask you if you want to reformat the hard drive and reinstall windows. This is from my computer that was given to me from the manufacturer.
How can I fix this, I'm supposed to go over there early tomorrow morning.
disaster-master posted this at 03:57 — 11th September 2001.
She has: 2,154 posts
Joined: May 2001
Has she scanned for viruses?
Busy posted this at 06:03 — 11th September 2001.
He has: 6,151 posts
Joined: May 2001
Doing a search on Nortons site, gives me the sircam virus page
http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/[email protected]
you can do a free scan at http://www.symantec.com/securitycheck/ (click on "Find out today if you are safe.")
it may not be this, but better to be safe than sorry.
ivj3pa posted this at 12:41 — 11th September 2001.
They have: 7 posts
Joined: Sep 2001
I researched the internet last night, went to Google.com and just typed in what the exe error was. Then I did some extensive reading.
My sister has the W32.Sircam.Worm@mm
I immediately did a virus check on my pc because she had sent me a couple of emails.
This worm is a doozy! She doesn't have a virus scanner, so I told her that once I clean it to find the Innoculate It Virus Scanner online for free until she can afford to get the Nortan Antivirus.
Thanks alot for your comment though.
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