Which database type do you use?

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I've never installed Oracle so I really can't comment on that. It really doesn't matter what type of server you get (PWS, IIS) since Oracle will install it's own database server. You just need PWS or whatever for your ASP pages.

You might want to check first to see if you need Windows 2000 Professional or 2000 Server to run an Oracle DB server.

And don't forget to install your system DSN so you can connect to your db, but you already knew that

Peter J. Boettcher

PJ | Are we there yet?

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I thought it might be interesting to find out what everyone is using as far as databases go.

I focus mainly on SQL 7 with ASP but I also use Access for testing and have used mySQL in the past.

So let's hear what you're using (even if you're using text files

Peter J. Boettcher

PJ | Are we there yet?

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Oracle8 here at work. Any comments of how good it is?

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Oracle8 is actually the better database from a performance standpoint. It's the cost and ease of integration with the rest of the Microsoft products which is why I develop most of my sites with SQL (I also use NT server for most of my projects).

How are you interfacing with Oracle? ASP, PHP, CGI, other?

Peter J. Boettcher

PJ | Are we there yet?

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Access 97 Database with Coldfusion 4.0.

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Do you suffer any performance problems using Access on the web? I've tried using Access for a couple projects but anytime you get more than 10-15 heavy users I find that Access becomes very slow and unstable.

In my experience Access is ok for light use, but nothing mission critical that's for sure.

Peter J. Boettcher

PJ | Are we there yet?

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We use ASP (ahhhhhh).
I want to setup Oracle 8 at home on my (soon) win2000 machine and then setup PWS or similar server so I can start mocking up a database for one of my sites. I already use SQL but have never installed Oracle or PWS and use them on a very basic lever at work.

Have you ever done this?

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MySQL for a couple years now, used Sybase ASE for Linux for a little while, been meaning to try postgresql (people have really been recommending that to me, but I've just been too busy to install it and try it out/learn syntax).

Rob Radez

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I don't suffer any problems with Access, but then again I don't think I ever have more than 15 people at a time using the site. It is not mission critical and it is a simple "pull data out and post it" operation. There is no database writing or anything like that. So, for my needs, Access is fine.

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