primary keys, junction tables, basic data base design questions

akohl's picture

They have: 117 posts

Joined: Feb 2001


Should a junction tables have a primary key? If so, should an additional auto number field be added as a pk or should the two foreign keys be used together as a pk?

I'm asking because I was told by an instructor that a junction table does not need a pk. But I was just thinking (usually a dangerous thing!) that one doesn't want to repeat the identical connection between two tables. Using a primary key would prevent this.

Also, with regualar data table (ie not junction tables), I always define an autonumber field to act as a pk so that it can be equated with ease to a fk from another table. But doesn't this open my tables up to identical listings differentiated artificially by an auto number index?

Please clarify.



Andy Kohlenberg
Jerusalem, Israel

Peter J. Boettcher's picture

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Remember, there is really no one RIGHT way of doing things, there's definately many wrong ways.

There is no rule saying that you can't have an autonumber PK in a junction table. I do this all the time, since it could end up saving a lot of headaches later on.

As for having the autonumber field in all your other tables, I also do this all the time for the same reason. It shouldn't be a problem if your queries are all setup properly.

PJ | Are we there yet?

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Peter is correct in what he says, there is always more than one way to skin a cat, BUT, you are saying an instructor told you and this is because he is telling you true database normalisation and the reason for database normalisation is to reduce redundancy and having a field on the junction table that is just there to be a primary key is redundancy because it isn't needed.

As for non junction table, it is always good practice to have a primary key on them.

If you're interested in normalisation, I did a quick search and found this. I only skimmed the text but it seems reasonable.


Mark Hensler's picture

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I normalize as best I can, but I never sacrafice my primary key. It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Wink

akohl's picture

They have: 117 posts

Joined: Feb 2001

Thanks, especially for that article. I started reading it and it looks like its going to answer some of my questions.

I'll post again after I read it.

Andy Kohlenberg
Jerusalem, Israel

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